God of The Sun

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"Shifu"  The young voice at the entrance called out through thre barrier, one that sounded a little too excited.

He knew the boy would not hear him through his own privacy shield, so he didn't bother answering, but he did rise.  Die Feng was his first Disciple and the one in charge when he was absent but the tone in his voice told him that whatever had him at his door was important enough to risk angering him.  When his barrier went up, they all knew to stay away.

Having already conjured the blanket to warm her up while she slept a little longer, Mo Yuan dressed himself quickly.  He had an idea of what had brought the boy to his door, though one quick look at her face, he decided to leave her resting, he would fetch her once he had dealt with what awaited him the moment the barrier collapsed.

"What is it?" he asked pulling the final sash around his waist and tying it firmly.

"Empress Bai has just arrived with her son High God Bai Zhen." he replied while keeping his eyes down and trying his very best to ignore the scene that met his gaze behind him.

His Shifu did all kinds things that defied the mind and sometimes he did things that had Die Feng seriously questioning the mans sanity, because the iced up chamber behind him and the freezing cold air that escaped the room the moment the barrier lifted had him quickly jumping back and though Mo Yuan could see the questioning look, he chose to ignore it.  Whatever the boy was thinking, it could stay in his head.

"Where is she?" he asked reaching back to close his door with a look that told Die Feng that his chamber was out of bounds.

"Resting in the Hall Shifu." he replied with a dip of his head while his arms remained in the air before him.

Mo Yuans face was expressionless, whatever he was thinking, Die Feng couldn't tell and of all his Disciples, he was the one who knew his Shifus moods the best only the tight control he had over his emotions and thoughts had him wondering if her visit might not be as exciting for his Shifu as it had been for him when she arrived.

None of his Disciples had ever met the woman, though her name was whispered in hushed awe across the entire world though this was more out of respect to her husband, but still, she was a Goddess that held a lot of sway in thier world and Die Feng was just as in awe of her as the rest of his juniors who were all in the hall fussing over her.

With his hands behind his back, Mo Yuan entered the Hall the same way he did any other day.  The fiery Dragon was now at rest and the Master of Kunlun in attendance and no sooner did he come into view then The Empress rose to greet him with that flash of a smile that never failed to have his own genuinely rising.

"Mo Yuan.  It's been far too long." she said with her hands out towards him which he warmly clasped into his own.

"It has indeed.  But you have not changed at all.  You're still as beuatiful as ever." he smiled before lowering his head to lightly kiss her cheek.

It was a greeting none of his Disciples had ever see their Shifu give to anyone, and that only increased their estimation of this woman.  She really was as beautiful as every story they had ever heard suggested.  But to see their Shifu kiss her as one would a sister was a sight they never thought they would ever see.  Though Bai Zhen raised his hands and bowed respectfully which Mo Yuan acknowledged with a nod of his head and an appreciative smile.  He too was just as beautiful as his mother and also highly cultivated, they could all feel the soft gentleness of his energy flowing out towards them.

"You always were a charmer Mo Yuan." she chuckled softly as he let her hands go to sit down at the low table where hot tea and refreshments had been prepared for her.

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