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Just a little blurb of one of everyone's favorite threesome, Ryley, Angel, & Erik. With appearances of baby Nya and baby N'Jadaka, as well as other members of the Stevens-Udaku clan.

They watched her with thoughtful smiles as she sang and danced with her two children around the living room of their mansion, all of them were still clad in pajamas

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They watched her with thoughtful smiles as she sang and danced with her two children around the living room of their mansion, all of them were still clad in pajamas. It was a common thing for her to do to start off the morning, but for two people who had raised themselvesto have as tough as an exterior as they possibly could to survive, it was always a breath of fresh air. Her carefree attitude and soft spiritedness were a few of the many reasons they both fell in love with her; and as she danced her way to them, they couldn't help but to blush at the attention she was giving them. She lit them both up with happiness.

"Time came and showed me your direction
Now I know I'll never ever go back. Taught me that..." Angel sang to them as she swayed side to side with Nya & N'Jadaka in her arms, who were both giggling up a storm.

"I can be a better girl with love you give.
You rock my world. I love your smile." Angel continued singing.

9 amazing months had passed since Angel had become a mother, and she found there was no joy that compared to the joy of motherhood. She made sure that her children's every morning started off with smiles & giggles, if she could help it, & she found that her goofy dancing & singing was a sure fire way to make her babies happy.

"Good morning, my loves." She spoke to Erik and Ryley, who had each taken a baby to hold. Nya went to Erik after reaching for him like the daddy's girl she is & Ryley took the ever quiet baby Daka. "Gimme my kisses please & thank you." She told them with a giggle.

Ryley was the first to kiss her, giving her a kiss that was as heart warming as it was deep on her lips, before kissing her forehead. "Good morning, baby." Ryley told her as she looked at Angel in a way that made her blush.

Next was Erik who bit his bottom lip at her before kissing her passionately until their daughter started pulling on his beard, of course.

"Yaya, stop blockin mommy and daddy." Angel said as she tickled her daughter.

"Yaya just wants daddy's attention, huh baby girl?" Erik said as he kissed his daughter's cheek. "Daaaa da. Dadadadada." The little one babbled before attempting to suck on his face.

"Good morning though, princess." Erik told his #4.

"Mmm hmm." She said shaking her head.

"Ya'll gon feed them their breakfast?" Angel asked as she walked away to the kitchen to start on their meals, oatmeal, made with her breastmilk of course, with banana slices on top for Daka, & steamed apple slices for Yaya.

They both affirmed that they would as they followed close behind her, the sounds of Happy Face by Destiny's Child began playing through the bluetooth speakers in the house.

15 minutes and three songs later, food was done & the twins were happily bouncing in their seats as they were fed their food. Angel watched her favorite people in the world with a soft smile on her face. Erik and Ryley were both singing If It Isn't Love to the twins as they fed them their food. It warmed Angel's heart, and she couldn't help but video record them on  her phone, wanting to have the memory forever.

She stopped suddenly as the song reached it's chorus & she put her phone down to imitate the dance the iconic group did, just in time for Kimora & Hennessy to join her.

"'🎶Cause if it isn't love
Why do I feel this way
Why does she stay on my mind..🎶"

"Good morning, ya'll!" Angel exclaimed with a giggle as they danced.

"Good morning, baby girl." Kimora returned sweetly.

"Morning princess!" Henny said kindly as she laughed in joy.

"Ma!" Daka exclaimed with a giggle as he watched her perform for them.

"🎶And if it isn't love
Why does it hurt so bad
Make me feel so sad inside
If it isn't love🎶"

"Well, good morning everybody!" Charlie exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen with N'Jada in tow. Henny was the first to react, kissing her on her cheek before grabbing the smiling baby girl. "Good morning, wifey." She said.

Poosy poofed in soon thereafter, and before long, the entire household was in the kitchen and family area starting their day.

AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora