Act 2.1

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Ramona enters an hour early for her shift, having come straight from school. She hugs her laptop her chest and picks a seat by the window where she opens up her laptop.

HALEY: (to Simon) Ramona's here.

Simon peers through the window. The camera cuts to Ramona, typing while sipping from her jug.

HALEY: She's like a hawk on that thing.

SIMON: (smiling) I know.

HALEY: Did you know I tried to talk to her yesterday and she snapped at me for disrupting her flow?

SIMON: (still smiling) I know.

HALEY: Are you even listening?

SIMON: (dreamily) I know.

HALEY: Okay, you're not. You're so whipped, I can't even believe it.


Ramona hands the customer the burger and fries they ordered.

RAMONA: (smiling) Thank you for ordering! Come again soon.

Haley is packing her things. She gets up to tie her hair and looks at Ramona with a mixture of amusement and incredulousness.

HALEY: You've really gotten your shit together, huh, Ramona?

RAMONA: I've hit a stride. I'm trying not to fall off it.

Haley smiles.

HALEY: It's nice to see you like this.

She approaches Ramona and gives her a side-hug.

HALEY: I always knew you had it in you. Let me read the script when you finish, okay?

Ramona beams at her.

HALEY: See you.


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