Chapter 7:Ghost meets "new"(old) friends

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After a few hours of getting to know each other Jimmy let Ghost back in control since he was a little better, or at least we'll enough to take control, ghost opened his eyes and looks at Toast who smiles at him.

"Hello sir glad your back with us I made tea for you" Toast said handing ghost his cup who thanked him and took a sip of it before setting it back down. He finally looks around the room glad to see that Fran was ok but was a little confused about the other 2 things in the room.

"Um, Johnny who are these guys" Ghost said looking at his partner 

"Well I'm sure you've met Fran, and these are her friend Itward and Palontras they say they know you sir" Toast said smiling at Ghost sitting next to his childhood friend

"I-I do?" He asks looking around the room at the other people when the second/third memory of the day hit him.


A young Ghost was walking through the forest when he saw a tall skeleton getting scared he hid behind a tree but the skeleton turned to the tree he was behind and walked over chuckling.

"Ghost don't you recognize me it's me your friend Itward" he said, this made the child poke his head out from behind the tree

"I-Itward?" He said looking at the skeleton it took a few minutes but he recognized him and ran over to him hugging him "finally someone I recognize!" Ghost cried out hugging the skeleton who smiles and hugs back promising himself to do his best to keep this child out of harms way

-flashback over onto the next flashback—

The young ghost had started taking quiet a few pills at once just to see what would happen next thing he New he was in a different world that was bright and colorful and seemed happy. He started to walk through the forest when a giant goat thing landed near him

"U-um hello?" Ghost asked looking at it, the goat thing looked up at the child smiling 

"Welcome child!" He said to the young brunette who was a little shocked 

"Um sir w-where am I?" He asked  looking at the thing

"Well your in Ithersta, and you can call me Palontras" he said smiling at the young child who smiled a little 

"Nice to meet you s- Palontras" he said "my names Johnny Ghost" he said smiling

"Nice to meet you Johnny Ghost" Palontras said

—flashback end—

Ghost looked around and smiled at the two "sorry guys probably been so long since I've seen you I didn't remember" ghost said smiling. Itward smiled back 

"Sure has I'm glad you rmebered us" he smiled and Palontras nodded 

Jimmy watched from the shadow realm hoping ghost doesn't remember anything else scared what it'll do to his mental state but for now he's hopeless to stop it while these guys are here he just prays nothing else happens...


Sorry there wasn't much couldn't think of much for this chapter so it's just ghost remembering some old friends

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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