1. Prologue

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Made an Intro for the story.

Name: Y/n

Age: 5 in the beginning


As a child

As a child

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As he grows up

As he grows up

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So here I was sat in a space pod drifting away from planet Vegeta. Father had always threatened to exile me from the planet for my failure to listen to him. My wish to finally be free of his weak will and Frieza's reign over us had finally come.  I always though father to be the weakest of our family. Both myself and my Brother Vegeta would have no problem overpowering him. Vegeta would always taunt me gloating at how he was the heir to the throne. The prince of our race forgetting that I was also a prince in rights. I never cared much to be a ruler. I just wanted to be the best, The strongest. That is what it means to be a true Saiyan. Right now Frieza and I are miles apart but just you wait Frieza I Y/n will catch up to you and surpass you in no time! I push a few buttons in my pod and settle for sleep while I drift through space.  

My sleep is suddenly interrupted as my pod's alarm system springs into life. 

"Hmm what could possibly be setting it off?" My question is soon answered as something smashes hard into the back of my pod. 

"What the hell was that!?" I attempt to look around but quickly remember their is no viewing port for me to see the back of the pod. 

"Warning systems failure. Crash imminent." I hear the pod's system say.

 "Damnit!" My pod starts to fall and I see now that there is a planet below me that I am on course to crash with. Something catches my eye from my front view window. It is a pod identical to mine crashing towards the same planet. 

"What idiot can't pilot their pod!" I see the pod's occupant now. Hmph it's that low class Bardock's son. I forget his name. No that it matters he a low class. Scum compared to an elite like me. Our pods start to enter the planets atmosphere as they shake violently. I cross my arms as composed as ever. It will take more than this to kill me. 

My pod has smashed down in a what appears to be a field on the surface of this planet. As my pod door slowly opens I emerge. I look at this planet it looks to peaceful and easy to conquer. Luckily for them that isn't my goal. What is my goal? I could always attempt to return to planet Vegeta in the future and overthrow father and my brother but I see that as a waste of time Frieza is the true ruler of that planet. Frieza now that could be a good goal to conquer Frieza...But I want to go further than that. I want to be the strongest in the universe to have everyone fear me. Y/n the Saiyan prince! 

So this is just a taster of a series I want to try out in the future. Let me know what you think and what main pairing you would want? 

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