partttt 7!!

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Heyyy :). Long time no update ammiright? *nervous laughter*. I'm sorry that it's been quite a while since I've last updated this fanfiction, i just have my reasons. But here, take this small chapter  because I'm sadly too tired to write more (It's 12:45am here). But I'll try to write another chapter tomorrow .
-Sherwin's POV-
I need to get to class, and quickly!

How do I somehow end up constantly embarrassing myself. And in front of Jonathan.

i quickly run to class and get there just in time for first period, maths... I've always had weak grades when it came to maths. I find it hard to understand all the problems and i can't even multiply properly.

I try finding a desk to sit at , since we don't have a seating plan, and start taking out my needed stationary for the lesson and start listening to the teacher.

-Jonathans POV-
I'M LATE, I'M LATE, IM VERY, VERY LATE!!! How the fricc do I always end up being late for class, dhurheubdh.

I quickly run to the classroom where my first period is being taught in and slowly open the door, accidentally making the door creak loudy causing most of the students in class and teacher giving me weird looks. "Uh, sorry...". i say, slightly embarrassed and quietly. "It's ok Jonathan, this is your last chance you get away with being late for class though", the teacher replied.

I scanned the classroom trying to find an empty desk to sit at. I find a desk to sit at and see someone familiar. Is that... Sherwin? I swear he was never in the samw maths class as me. Am i really that blind?

-Sherwins POV-
I hear a loud creaking noise coming from the door, which causes me to quickly jolt my head up in the direction where i heard the noise. "uh, sorry...". Wait, thats Jonathan who just came into the room? How have i never noticed!! Great, just great. Now i won't be able to concentrate without having a thought being interrupted by basically only Jonathan's presence.

I hope this is good enough for now even though it's really friccing short.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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Just Another 'In a Heartbeat' Fanfiction ((Slow Updates Sorry!!))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang