. . . Destination

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"Tell me about the after life", asked the girl
Pretty, cute she looked.
Not on the inside,
Her heart,the dark and corrupt,booked.

I hoped it would be a good chance,
to change her mind.
From the vile evil stance,
to the good she could find.

And so, I continued
"Listen to this my friend,
this fate, to you, god glued,
therein, forever you shall spend!"

She threw a confused face,
Staring at me with hopeless tearing eyes,
on it, hit the raging rays,
Slowly, the tear dries

Then I told,
"What happened, happens and will,
all written, big and bold
Nothing can erase,even the kill.

Do good,
To be with the blessed,
Do bad,
For you will remain with the cursed.

Commit a sin,
to rest within,
the unfortunate,
the hell fire, they will locate.

Be good and follow what was told
to enter a place, calmingly cold.
A place, where eyes had never seen,
beautiful it has ever been.

Amazing rivers, there it flows
and the sky there, it glows.
The fruits, they taste the best they could.
Enter a place, every blessed soul should."

"I want to go there!" She cried.
"What should I do?
To enter this inimitable place,
the good, should I chase?"

"Leave the evil,
that you must overcome,
Towards the good and the paradise,
You shall come!"

~Mia M♥️

You have read this poem now, and you can tell that is narrative, so tell me what the story you think is...it is very obvious.

Until next time,

Jumbled Words of Understanding (Poetry) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now