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Ellie arrived at the Bar Natasha had told her to meet her at and began looking around for Natasha, but instead of seeing Natasha sat there she saw the same man who had tried to kill her around a month ago.

"For fuck sake Romanoff." Ellie muttered angrily to herself, turning around and quickly leaving, hoping she hadn't been noticed.

As Ellie left she slipped down the dark alley that led to the shortcut back to her home, she could immediately tell that someone was following her and she knew immediately who it was.

Much to Bucky's surprise, Ellie unexpectedly turned around and threw him into the wall. Bucky was shocked at how strong she was but was even more shocked when he realised she wasn't even touching him, She just had her hand held out and was glaring at him intently.

"Look I've had a shitty couple of days and I really can't be fucked with this right now."

"She told me you were gifted but I was not expecting you to be this strong."

"It seems that you underestimate me." She snarled. "Who the hell are you and how the hell did you find me again?"


"You know Natasha?"

"I do, she told me to lead with that."

"Then why didn't you?" She asked, dropping him to the ground.

"How did you do that?"

"I have the power of the elements." She shrugged casually. "so, what do you want?"

"I wanted to apologise, for you know-" he muttered sadly.

"Y'know when you make that face its almost impossible to be pissed at you."

"I'm sorry, I really am. But um, there was something I wanted to know, why did HYRDRA want you dead, I mean, Yes, you're powerful but not powerful enough to take down HYDRA in its entirety."

"Oh so we're going to talk about the past now are we? I don't even know you."

"I'm Bucky."

"Ah so you're the Bucky that I've heard so much about." She smirked.

"Ah, so you've heard of me." He smiled.

"You're probably the prettiest person that's ever tried to murder me." She told him.

"Well you're probably the prettiest person I've ever tried to kill." He told her taking a step closer to her.

"Trust me Barnes, I'm pretty hard not to be attracted to." She smirked.

"That is very true."

"Do you want to go and get a drink? I'll pay."

She thought for a moment about the promise she made to Natasha and to herself last year, before she made her decision. She had been having a bad couple of days and the man in-front of her was almost too hot to say no to.

"Sure, why not. One drink won't hurt." She replied before they walked back into the bar.


Ellie woke up the next morning with her head on someone's chest, she looked up to see Bucky looking down at her.

"Hi." she said quietly.


"Were you watching me sleep?" She laughed.

"You look beautiful when you sleep." He said causing her to smile.

"Y'know most people I sleep with leave before I wake up."

"Well do you want me to leave?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"No you don't have too, its just, I'm not really looking for anything serious right now." She told him.

"Luckily for you, I'm not either. I Just wanna live a normal life, I'm tired of obsessing over the past and the future. I know I don't deserve to, but I want to move on." he muttered.

"Not to be sappy or gross, but from what I've heard and from what I know, you do deserve it. All of the stuff you did as the Winter whatever, that wasn't you. that wasn't your fault."

"I tried to kill you, I've killed hundreds of people and you really think I deserve a second chance?"

"Everyone deserves second chances."

"So you don't mind if I stick around you for a while?"

"You aren't exactly the worst company in the world. But I'm leaving today. I'm heading to Bucharest tomorrow, you're welcome to come along." She said turning on her front so that she could see him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden or anything..."

"Seriously? If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have let you in, I wouldn't have slept with you and I would've killed you."

"Ok, as long as you're sure."

"I'm sure, now go and pack your shit and be back here in 2 hours." She told him rolling onto her back so she wasn't lying on him anymore.

He got out of the bed, getting ready to leave, muttering "See you soon." before leaving her apartment.

"What the fuck am I doing?" She asked herself as she spread herself out on her bed.

2 hours later she had collected together the very few belongings that she had and placed them in a suitcase and was currently putting her essentials in her handbag when she heard a knock at the door.

She Opened the door expecting to see Bucky but instead she see's Natasha.

"Natty!" She exclaimed nervously.


"I wasn't expecting you."

"Well that is usually how a surprise works, thought you were smarter than that El." Natasha laughed walking inside, closing the door behind her.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna be your lift to the Airport."

"It's fine honestly, I can make my own way there." She said, not wanting Natasha to know that Bucky was going with her.

"What's going on? Why are you being weird Ellie?" Natasha asked as their was a knock at the door, causing Ellie to sigh.

Before Ellie could even begin to walk towards the door, Natasha was somehow already there and had already opened it and had come face to face with Bucky who's eyes widened in shock as he saw Natasha stood in the doorway.

"I'm lost." he said quickly turning around to walk away but Natasha grabbed his backpack and pulled him into Ellie's apartment before he could go more than a couple of steps.

"Yeah right." She replies sarcastically before shutting the door behind them.

"I can explain Nat." Ellie said quickly.

"Go on then."

"Well he's coming with me to Bucharest, we met last night when you set me up and we talked and night and we became friends. He's running, I'm running, why not?" Ellie explained looking over at Bucky who decided to just go along with her partly true story.

"Whatever, Do you need a lift to the airport?"

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1089 words xx

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