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The now group of five, ran frantically towards the direction of the dropship

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The now group of five, ran frantically towards the direction of the dropship. "Clarke, come on!" Finn shouted.

Monty then tripped, he was starting at a rotten ribcage. "Monty, Come on." Octavia tried to pull him up.

Diana was quick to help. "We gotta go!" She yelled. The two girls got Monty to his feet.

Finn started examining the bones surrounding their boots. "Who are they?"

Clarke picked up a skull that was anything but a human's. "What are they?"

"Jesus Christ, Princess. Put that shit down." Diana felt sick just seeing it someone else's hands. 

Octavia looked just as revolted as Diana. "We're so screwed." She said, causing a small laugh from the brunette beside her.

A distant scream was heard from the group. "Jasper." Clarke near whispered. "He's alive." The blonde took off in the direction the sound came from.

"Clarke!" Diana yelled, running after her, the other three behind her.

Nearing the river Finn yelled for them to stay out of the trees. Jasper was no longer pinned to the tree.

"What the hell?" Diana spoke.

"He was right there." Finn pointed out, even though they all knew where he had been.

"No. He's gone." Monty quietly stated.

"They took him." Clarke realized.

Diana shook her head. "Come on. We need to get back to the dropship right now." She demanded.

Once they got back to camp, they saw Wells who had Murphy in his grip, a knife pressed to his throat. "Wells! Let him go!" Clarke shouted as Diana looked through the crowd, searching for Isaac.

Bellamy took notice of Octavia, injured, in Monty's arms. "Octavia. Are you alright?" He asked, as Monty passed her to her brother.

"Yeah." She answered.

Isaac was shoving people out of his way, running towards Diana. They embraced eachother with a hug. "Thank god you're okay."

"You too."

Bellamy saw that they had come back emtpy handed. "Where's the food?"

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather." Finn stated.

Bellamy was just as confused as Wells and Isaac. "What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy demanded.

"We were attacked Blake." Diana scoffed, Isaac looked down at her.


"Attacked? By what?" Wells stepped forward.

"Not what. Who. It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder." Finn explained but the rest of them still seemed unconvinced.

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