Part 22

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"Day 2!" Ramon says as he greets me at the door

"Yay" I say with a fake smile

"Hey y/n" Nicole says

"Hey what's up" I say clearly not caring

"Are you ok?" She asks

"Yeah... just tired" I say

"You seemed upset yesterday" she says

"Nope... I was just tired yesterday too" I say. "I probably just need something to eat"

"I have some muffins" she smiles

"What kind of muffins" I smirk

"Obviously blueberry, the only kind that matters" she laughs

"Perfect" I say as I follow her to her trailer

"Hey" Lauren says as we pass her

"Sup" I smile

"Where are you going?" She asks

"No where-" I start to say

"Getting some muffins" Nicole smiles

"Muffins?" Lauren asks

"Yeah... I'm starved" I say

"I have some breakfast tacos" she says pulling on my arm

"No thanks" I say pulling my arm from hers


"I also have coffee if you want" Nicole says as we walk in her trailer

"Yeah that'd be-" I start

"Shit!" She yells as she drops all the coffee

"Never mind" I laugh

"I'm sorry" she says

"You're always dropping things" I laugh

"Oops" She laughs

"What's this?" I say walking towards her book shelf

"Oh that's my sketch's" she says

"You sketch?" I say

"Yeah a little" she shyly says

"Nic these are amazing" I smile

"Oh not that-" she starts

"Is this... me?" I say confused

"N- Yeah" She says. "I'm not a stalker your ju-"

"It's ok" I laugh. It wasn't, I was terrified.


"Hey Ramon?" I say walking towards him

"Yeah?" He says

"Uh so I just found various sketches of my face in Nicole's sketch book and I wanted to tell you before I called the cops, ok bye" I smiled

"What?" He says

"I'm not about to end up like that dumb bitch Beck" I say

"Who?" He says

"You!" I say

"Me?" I He says

"No You!" I say

"Y/n what are you-" he starts

"Never mind" I say as walk towards my seat

"Hey Y/n-" Nicole says

"FUC- oh hi Nicole" I smile

5 Years Later • (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now