The Mind Numbing Pain

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Seeing as how I had just shot my love I ran to the door and grabbed him up in my arms and started to scream.

"Chris call for help please!"

Looking over to where Chris stood I saw his face lean to the side and his mouth grew to an evil smile.

"You must retarded to think I'm going to help you. And seeing as how you just got the memo of me and Derek's mind blowing sex. I see you came here to kill me." He took in a deep breathe and exhaled and chuckled "I'm gunna leave you here with him to die. Seeing as he doesn't like me I lost interest."

Just as he starts to walk by me and out the door I grabbed the gun that I'd brought and slung it up into my arms and aimed it at Chris's back.

It was completely silent when the gun shot rang through the air. Chris dropped to the ground with a thud. A second of pure happiness ran through me and made me smile, but it was cut short when I felt the sharp stab of something in my arm.

I dropped to my knees screaming and I could feel my soul drift back and forth in my body. I fell face first on the ground. Rolling over I could see blood dripping from my arm and my mouth from where the impact of the ground got me.

Shaking back and forth I could feel my life flash before my eyes.

Looking up to where Chris was I could see him standing up as the wounds on his back healing at a fast rate. He started to turn around and that's when a brush of darkness rushed over my body and attacked chris.

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