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"Celene?" Richard's rough voice asked, through the door.

"Come in," I replied, turning over in my bed to look at the door.

Richard turned the door handle amd walked in before closing it behind him. "He's gone to run another errand," Richard said, shrugging.

I sighed and faced the wall again, my face half covered by pillow. My bed creaked as Richard climbed over me and fell on the empty side of the Queen bed.

"I'm sorry," I apologised quickly.

Richard turned his head to look at me as we lay side by side. "Sorry for what?" He asked, confused.

"Constantly getting into arguments with your father," I replied.

Richard rolled his eyes. "I heard what it was about, truthfully he should lighten up on you a bit," he said, matter of factly.

"I know he wants what is best for me, but right now, being a wife and Queen is just too much pressure," I replied.

Richard looked at me again, his silver eyes studying mine. "You don't have to explain anything to me, Celene, I'm on your side," he replied.

"Thank you but you should stand by your father," I said, gripping the bed sheet tightly in my hand.

Richard lifted a hand and reached across the empty space between us to tuck some hair behind my ear. "I stand by what's right," he said gently.

Our eyes met and connected for a few seconds before I turned over onto my back and sat up.

Richard sighed before doing the same. "Well unfortunately there's not much to do in Italy when you have a whole army of wolves after you, but I could sneak you out of the house, I'm sure," he said, climbing off my bed.

"No, it's okay, I don't want to anger Mekhi more than I already have today," I said, pushing back the sheets to get up.

"Celene, you shouldn't confine yourself and lose all that spark you have just because my father is an overcontrolling asshole, let me take you out to a cafe or something, you've never been here and the first day here you got turned into a monster and not with your blessing," Richard said, following me as I walked out of my room.

"Rick, I said it's fine," I said, walking into the kitchen.

Music was playing from the radio and I turned it up as I walked past.

"So what's the plan? You're just going to mope around here all day?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Turning to face him, I put my hands on my hips. "If you want to get out of the house, go, don't let me spoil your fun," I replied.

The song changed I started to sway with it. "I'll be here when you get back," I added as I danced horribly in the kitchen.

Richard began to laugh. "What on earth are you doing?" He asked watching me.

"Dancing," I replied, frowning at him.

He shook his head. "That is not dancing, love," he said, holding out his hand.

Wondering what he was going to do, I took his hand and he pulled me towards him. Crashing into his body, I gasped but his arm was around me while our joined hands entwined.

Immediately, Richard began to dance. I stumbled. "Don't think about the steps, let them come to you," he said, grinning.

His blondish hair curled into his silver eyes and I became distracted. As soon as I had, we began to glide across the kitchen and lounge room floor.

I laughed. "See! You got it!" He cheered, before pushing me away gently and twirling me under his hand.

In my minds eye, I saw Richard in his military uniform and a beautiful stylistic woman with a long flowing gown twirling in his arms.

We kept dancing even as the song changed. Our eyes remained locked on each others, and I could feel Richard's hand slide up my back, disappear and only to come back and cup my cheek.

His thumb ran across my bottom lip. "Celene," he said, our eyes still locked.

"Yes?" I asked, rather breathless.

He held me gently as he began to lean down. My face tilted up and just before our lips brushed, Richard froze.

He pulled away quickly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," he said, letting me go.

I stumbled back. "What? What's wrong?" I asked, slightly dazed.

"I have to go, I'm sorry," he said, running a hand through his blonde hair before practically disappearing out the door.

I closed my eyes slowly, if Mekhi ever found out. No amount of related Vampire blood would save Richard.

I moved over to the radio and turned the music down. We could've both made a big mistake. But why did adrenaline still burn through my veins? Why did my non beating heart feel like it was racing?

Hearing footsteps, I looked up to expect Richard but instead, Joshua stood in the doorway. Quickly, I moved behind the kitchen bench.

"How did you find me?!" I exclaimed.

Joshua tilted his head. "It's not hard to follow the smell of tainted royal blood," Joshua replied.

"If you touch me, they will kill you," I said firmly.

Joshua seemed to grin at that. "They can try," besides I'm here to deliver a message to you, fron your father," the werewolf said calmly.

"Then say it and get out," I replied.

He watched me carefully before his lips began to pull back. "Your father will be very interested to know that they've managed to turn his prized daughter to their live in Vampire whore," Joshua snarled.

Rage filled me and I narrowed my eyes. "Get the hell out," I said calmly.

Joshua lifted his hand and stowed it in his jacket before producing a white envelope and holding it out. "This is what your father wanted me to give you," he said.

"Good, drop it and go," I said, watching his every move.

He dropped the envelope but didn't budge. "You know I didn't peg you as the type to turn into a bloodsucker," Joshua said, trying to get a rise out of me.

"Get out," I replied.

My hair began to fly back, as if a sudden gale had picked up outside, expect we weren't outside. Joshua looked around.

My hands by my side curled into fists. "I said get out!" I exclaimed before throwing my hand out.

Joshua flew back, out the door and off the stairs.

He fell through the air and probably to the ground. I walked out the front door. "Don't come back," I snapped, as Joshua got up off the cobblestones.

He transformed and ran off down the street before running from view. I turned my head to see Mekhi, looking like he was ready to walk up the stairs.

"Oh hey, so I discovered my gift," I said with a small smile.


So thoughts?
Do you think Richard has a little crush on Celene?
And what do you think of it?

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I may not always reply but I do read them.

Thank you for the support and love,
Tavana xoxox

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