Part 12

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"Happy Christmas Harry" I whispered in his ear and planted a kiss on his cheek

"Mmm...Mione? What time is it?" Harry mumbles

"It's nearly 8. My parents don't usually wake up for another half an hour. I just wanted to wake up early. I'm really glad you live here now" I told him taking my place back on my bed

"I'm glad I live here too. I always hated Christmas with the Dursley's. It was awful" He said getting out of his sleeping bag and sitting next to me on the bed

He placed his arms around my shoulder and I rested my head on his neck. I didn't know how long we sat there, but my parents soon called us down.

"Kids its time to open presents!" I heard my mum call

We walked down the stairs and took our seats on the couch and in front of the tree. One by one we each received different presents. Some were from Neville and Parvati and others were from my parents. I could tell Harry was surprised to get presents at all.

"You didn't need to get me anything. Your hospitality is enough. I've never celebrated Christmas and it means a lot just to be here and not stuck in a cupboard"

I wanted to kill those relatives he has. Treating him like garbage, he never deserved that.

"Harry we care for you as we care for Hermione. I don't want you worrying about these presents too much. Your a growing boy and you need clothes and your own stuff. So please accept them" Dan says softly

I could see him hesitate, but he finally starting opening the presents. I loved all of mine, I got mostly books but I loved them nonetheless. Once all the presents were open, One present in particular was left under the tree.

"Harry? This is from an Albus Dumbledore? That's your headmaster isn't it?" Mum asks us

Harry took the present and opened it slowly. It looked like a cloak? Why would he give Harry a cloak.

"Here's a letter....oh Harry! This cloak belonged to your father. It's an invisibility cloak! He wanted you to have it" That is absolutely amazing, I never knew something like this could exist

"That's amazing" He tore it out of the wrapping paper and placed it on part of his body

"No way! Hermione we could use this research in the library. You know that research we need to do when we get back" He says glancing at my parents, that is a brilliant idea

Harry and I messed around with the cloak for awhile before hiding it away in my room. We couldn't very well have this out when my family is here. After cleaning up the living room, my parents got ready and started on Christmas dinner. Harry and I went upstairs to change. One of my presents included a brand new red dress with sparkles. I put my hair in a ponytail making it less bushy

"Hermione, you look so pretty" Harry says noticing my dress

"Thank you. You look very nice in your dress robes. I think my parents had us match on purpose" I felt my cheeks blush slightly noticing his match red tie

Before he could say anything, I heard the doorbell ring. My aunt, uncle and cousin have arrived and it was only noon.

"Remember don't let your cousin get to you and no books. They will only be here for a few hours" Harry grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs

"Hermione! Oh it's so good to see you. You have grown up so beautiful" My aunt instantly pulls me in for a hug, She lets go once she notices Harry

"Oh? Who is this? Is he your boyfriend?" She asks causing the rest of my family to look over at us

"No...this is Harry. He is my best friend and I invited him to spend the holiday with me. Harry this is my aunt Millicent, my uncle Robert, and my cousin Christopher" I introduced him, not letting that question bother me

"It's so lovely to meet you Harry! Hermione has never brought her friends over before. This is quite a surprise" My uncle says

They pretty much just called me a loner. Could they be anymore embarrassing.

"It's lovely to meet you all"

Without another word I pulled his hand and we went to the couch, letting my aunt and uncle talk with my parents.

"Could they be more humiliating? I'm warning you they are going to embarrass me tonight. Please don't feel any different about me after today" I whispered

"Don't worry. Nothing will change the way I feel about you" He placed his arm around my shoulders

"I never thought you had friends. Mum always told me you were always kind of a loner" I heard Christopher say taking a seat next to us

"Well I'm not. I have many friends at our school and I have Harry"

"No need to get snappy. I only thought you couldn't take your head out of book long enough to interact with anybody. What tired of only interacting with the characters in your books?" He says laughing, I could see the angry look on Harry's face

"Hermione was right about you, you are a git. You shouldn't talk about Hermione like that just because you are jealous of how smart she is. She is an easy person to be friends with. You should really learn to not be such a prat" Harry says bluntly

"Enjoy time with you boyfriend Herms" He says rudely before walking off

I hate when he calls me that.

"I can't believe you said that to him" I was shocked

"As if I'm going to let him talk to you like that. I wouldn't let Ron or Draco, I'm not going to let your cousin no matter if you're related"

Soon dinner was ready and we all sat down chatting about school and Harry. They kept asking him questions about school and how we met, we completely avoided the talk about family and anything else pertaining to that, it was rather sensitive to him.

"So why aren't you with your family Harry? I mean that's what Christmas is about, family?" Christopher asks him

If only I was allowed to do hexes outside of school. That prat just had to bring it up.

"Christopher Granger that is completely rude and inappropriate!" His mother scolds him

"Oh but Hermione is my family. She is my best friend and I wanted to spend time with her" He says instantly grabbing my hand under the table

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks instantly. He always says such sweet things. I could see the upset look on Christopher's face after hearing Harry's words.

"Well aren't you two adorable. I could see you guys in the future...." My aunt starts to say

"Millicent do you mind passing the potatoes?" I asked trying to get her off the topic

Dinner continued as usual with the casual conversation. It wasn't long till it was time to say goodbye. I would miss my aunt and uncle, my cousin...not so much.

"Harry it was a pleasure to meet you. I hope we will see you again" My uncle says shaking his hand

"Hermy. See you later" Chris says walking out the door

They were finally gone.

"Well I think that went over pretty well. Your aunt and uncle seemed to like me" He says happily

"Sorry about the whole family question" I apologized knowing how sensitive the topic of family is to him

"No worries. It was fun making him upset. I did mean everything I said" I pulled him in for a tight hug never wanting to let go

"Happy Christmas Harry"

"Happy Christmas Hermione"


Hello all you amazing readers and writers. I just wanted to tell you guys that I have a new story out, I would really appreciate you reading it and voting. Thank you guys for everything 💕

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