Chapter 22

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I glared at him. "Fine. You want to hear how it happened?"


"Where do you want me to start?" I asked hate filling my voice.

"From the beginning."

"Well." I took a deep fortifying breath. It was better to get all out at once. "I had just turned 18. And at the time I had the idea that hiding in plain sight was the best option for me and Sienna, so I stayed close to Chicago. Dad's death was eating away at me and I just couldn't stomach the idea of his killer walking away unpunished."

" So you decided to punish him."

"No. I decided to kill him." I snapped.

"Xavier." He muttered . " How were you so sure he did it? It could have been Giovanni." He stopped for a beat, " or me."

"No. It wasn't you I'm sure."

" That's a lot of faith you have in me. I'm touched" he mocked.

" It has nothing to do with faith. Out of all three of you, you were the least likely to do it. My father's efforts were more concentrated on the ones directly connected to mom's death. He barely existed for you. But on the other hand he was a pain for the others. And at the time of his death he was following a few tip ins he had on the knights sex trafficking ring. No one could get a proof that they were doing it. They were using outside men to do the job and there were rumours that they were cooperating with a Mexican cartel. Dad became obsessed with finding a way to prove they were doing it. It was .."

"If he would have been able to do it he would have destroyed them. That was the plan, right? That was why he brought in the FBI on it."

"Yes. But in the end even they weren't able to protect him from Xavier knight."

Pain ripped through me every time I remembered my father and all the things we lost. But this time a trace of that old rage came back the rage that made me go after his killer in the first place.

Until you {uncompleted} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora