Chapter 2:The Gummie Bear/The Mysterious Person.

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Alright! 2nd chapter... The gummie bear. Enjoy!

Chapter 2:The Gummie Bear.

Harry's POV


The sound of my alarm clock, woke me up. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I slammed the snooze button and let my eyes adjust. Next to my clock was a note and a red and yellow gummie bear.

"Well thats weird?" I said to my self. I grabbed the gummie bear and the note. The note said.

"Eat Me. When your in Danger."

I looked at the gummie once again... I can feel a strong amount of magic coming from it... I placed it back on my desk. I got up and went to do my daily routine.

I got back and was fully dressed.

"I'll keep it with me just in case.." I said as i placed it in my pocket.

"I should tell them about this and see what they tell me." I said as i left my house.

I got to school,still thinking about the gummie bear, and the huge amount of magic coming from the gummie. I got into 1st period. Sat down and began to drift off,not even minding my surroundings.

About 20 minutes into class Emily smacked the back of my head.

"What the hell was that for?" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"You look confused. Whats wrong.." She questioned.

"Get the group toegther at lunch and I'll tell you guys." I said as i turned around and difted off again.

Lunch came right around the corner. I was under the Sola Tree, waiting for everyone to show up. About a couple minutes latee they all came.

"So whats the thing you wanted to talk to us about?" Cloud said. I dugg into my pocket and took out the gummie and note.

"This appread on my desk this morning when I woke up... And great magic aura is coming from it." I said to them.

"No joke. A whole ton is coming from it." Melannie and Emily said.

"And it also came with this note" I handed the note to Silver.

"Eat Me,When Your In Danger." Silver read.

"Wow Silver doesnt read like a 2nd grader now! Im proud of you!" Cloud said as he cried fake tears.

"As I was saying... I dont even know who gave it too me..." I said as i sat down.

"Does Mirajane know about this?" Emily pondered. I shook my head.

They tossed me back the note and the gummie bear... And I placed it in my pocket.


The sound signalling lunch was over.

"Well better get going guys." I said as i got up and dusted myself. We started walking back to class.

"Mmmm? Why you leavin so early.? I just got here?" I heard a voice. I stopped and looked back. When a black cloud appread.

"What the he-" i was cutt off. A fist rammed me straight in the cheek sending me flying.

"What the fuck!" I said. I slammed into the light post that was near by.

"Well this is gonna be fun." The person said.

End of Chapter 2..

Uh oh... Who is here? Dun dun. Till next time... On chapter 3.


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