21. Safe and Sound

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Scribble out Ani and replace her with you


Y/n's POV

Once Blake and I heard thundering footsteps coming up the stairs, I panicked.

"You gotta hide! Now!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist and shoving him into the closet. As I heard the person advance towards along the hallway before stopping, I dumped a load of clothes on top of Blake.

"Hey! What was that for?" He exclaimed before I shushed him with a finger. He shook his head before I put one of my shirts on it.

"Be quiet and stay put. It's Jack, and if he saw you in here with me, you can kiss your kidneys goodbye." I stated in a hushed tone before grabbing another random shirt. "I'll act like I'm changing, but I'll have to unlock the door. Don't make a Sound." I ordered and Blake nodded, sinking back into the clothes pile. I closed the closet door quietly and rushed to unlock the door. As I did, the footsteps started up again. I squeaked, swiftly moving towards the bed and took my shirt off, just as Jack burst into the room with a thud.

Now it's time for my act! I never knew A level drama would come in handy some day. I shrieked and covered up, looking back at him before sighing. "Jack! Don't do that! I thought you were someone else." I exclaimed, continuing to put a clean shirt on but I got tackled and pinned to the bed. I yelped as I fell back, opening my eyes to be met with his sockets, but they were oozing more than usual. I fluttered my eyes and opened my mouth to speak but was silenced by him.

The kiss was so sweet yet full of want, almost needy from him. I happily returned it, only for him to leave my lips a few moments later and sink down to his knees, sitting on the floor with his head in my lap. I slowly sat up, only to feel droplets fall onto my thighs. He was crying. I looked down at him sadly, running my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down.

"Jackie baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked, sadness overwhelming me. He hugged my shins tightly, burying his face into my right thigh.

"I-I thought I l-lost you..." He whispered, loud enough for me to hear before crying harder. Thank god I'm wearing black leggings. I lent down best I could and just about kissed his head, making him look up into my eyes. I smiled lightly and wiped his tears away.

"You won't ever lose me Jack. No matter what, I'll always find my way back to you." I reassured, smiling sweetly at him, which only caused more of his obsidian tainted tears to fall and him to look down. I pouted a little and slowly knelt in front of him, gently grabbing his chin and lifting to face me. "Babe, why are you still crying?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Guess I've just realized how much I've missed you." He admitted, blinking the rest of the tear like substance away. I wiped his face for the second time then kissed his cheek before smiling. He smiled back then rubbed his eye sockets.

"There's the smile I know and love. Now I'm gonna go take a bath, I've had a long day and need to relax." I stated while getting up. I was about to walk away but, Jack grabbed my ankle. I looked down at him and saw him scramble to his feet.

"Let me come with you!" He begged and I blushed, fluttering my eyes at him.

"Uhhh what?" I asked and he grabbed my hands tightly with a big smile on his face.

"Y/n L/n. From this day forth, as your boyfriend, I shall protect you no matter what!" He exclaimed, smiling wider. I blinked at him, processing what he just said. "Meaning, I shall never leave your side!" He added and I laughed nervously.

"Baby, I appreciate the offer but, it's a bath. I'll be fine. I'm a grown woman and can look after myself." I replied and he pouted, which gave off more than just protecting me in my perspective. I blushed blood red as I thought about it. "Wait a sec... I know what you're doing Eyeless Jack!" I exclaimed and it was his turn to blink at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, a hint of nervousness evident.

"You pervert! I legitimately just got back! Let me rest for a while!" I shouted, ripping my hands away from him and flipping my hair in his face, walking out the bedroom to the bath room.

Eyeless Jack's POV

Damnit! She knew my intentions! But I deserve it right? I mean, I fused with the most obnoxious motherfucker in the ENTIRE mansion, just to find her! I grumbled as I heard the bathroom door slam shut and lock. I sighed and was about to walk out until I heard something in the closet. A shuffling sound. I raised an eyebrow until I remembered what Clockwork told me before I found Y/n.


Once Jeff and I stepped into the mansion, our fusion was met with Slender.

"Welcome back boys. Your mission is complete. Y/n is back." Slender informed us and our faces lit up. I can finally be rid of this obnoxious prick!

"I guess this is goodbye now." Jack said and Slender nodded at our fusion and I felt myself become unfused from Jeff. I landed on the ground, looking at my hands.

"Finally! I'm myself again!" I shouted before I heard a door slam from upstairs. Y/n! I scrambled to my feet and sped up the stairs, only to be stopped by Clockwork. "What do you want? I heard a door slam." I asked/stated, trying to get around her but she stopped me.

"All I'm gonna say is, is that your girlfriend bought a human back here. She claims he helped her escape from the ghoul hunters." She stated and my eyes widened.

"I did see her on the back of some guy, it was probably him. where is he?" I replied, eager to see my girl.

"He's with her in your room." She stated and my eyebrows furrowed. He's with her, in my room?? I gotta see this! I thanked Clockwork and sped to my room and burst through the door, almost breaking it off it's hinges, only to see Y/n getting changed. Alone. Did Clockwork lie to me?

-Flashback end-

"Hmm.." I hummed as I made my way over to the closet, eventually stopping and putting my ear to the door. More shuffling! I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open, only to have a pile of clothes fall out, along with a teenage boy. Dark brown hair.. The uniform... It's him! He coughed and knelt up, fixing his sweat drenched hair.

"Phew! It was getting hot in there. Thanks for letting me out Y/n." He spoke before looking at my feet. I heard him gulp as his head slowly made it's way up my body and his hulk green eyes met with my dark abyss'. His eyes widened as his voice trembled.

"You're n-not Y/n..."


I'm not dead my lovely followers and readers!!! Yo girl has fucking exams again -.-

But anyway, thanks you all for almost 10k reads, means a lot and gives me the will to keep writing! :)

My Kidney Eater ~Eyeless Jack x Ghoul! Reader~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now