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Kyunghee was walking to school, alone once again. Kyungsoo had fell ill and couldn't go.

This made Kyunghee worried for both her brother and herself. As she was walking, she receives a text message.

Why did you tell him?
『seen 7:01』

"Right." Kyunghee thought to herself, remembering that she had told Kyungsoo.

He asked me to.
seen 7:05』

Anyways, your looking pretty today.
seen 7:07』

You always look pretty. What am I saying!
seen 7:08』

Suddenly, Kyunghee gets pushed by someone. She sees a car quickly stop and beeps. She bows at the driver as he continued to drive.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I guess I got too distracted on my phone." Kyunghee said.

"What's up with you? I saw you worriedly reading some texts there." Yoongi asks another question to bring up a conversation.

Kyunghee continued to walk to school as she replied, "You promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

"Stalker, I'm sorry." Kyunghee thinks to herself.

"There's someone stalking me." Kyunghee tells Yoongi as his eyes start to shift.

"Maybe that spam caller?" Yoongi tells her.


Kyunghee checked the text notification she received during class.

Why aren't you focusing on the discussion?
『seen 10:34』

If you hadn't text then I'd be focusing rn.
『seen 10:36』

"Excuse me," their teacher taps on Kyunghee's table, grabbing all her attention, "If you would like to use your phone instead of focusing here, you may leave. I will not accept bad behavior in my class."

Kyunghee keeps her phone in her pocket as their teacher continues his discussion.

Kyunghee arrives home, greeting a sick Kyungsoo that's laying down on the couch. She hands him all the assignments he had missed and the notes she took down for him.

"Here you go, shithead." Kyunghee slams the door to her room and throws herself onto her bed just to silently bawl her eyes out.

dInG dOnG


sjdjsj this was a last minute chapter.

umm no one asked but yeh this whole day my kind hasnt been functioning well and im tired af

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