The Egg Hunt

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I would walk out into the station, I would look and it said, "don't let the Golden Egg Guardian get you!" Which I assumed was strange because surely nothing could attack me on a Easter Egg Hunt. RIGHT?
Wrong. A giant Maws was at the centre of it all. I would start sneaking around with my power gear, smart? Right?
I was immediately spotted. I started to sprint as fast as my legs could take me, I was collecting Golden Eggs in the end, I had a grand total of 20, which was pretty decent, because I was really just running away from a gigantic eel thing, and also, I had to collect 10 more.
I would then turn around, and jump as far as I could with Inkulation.
By doing this, I not only confused Maws, and got a good 15 meter (49 ft) distance away from the nasty thing.
I would then sprint to the nearest salmon nest, I stole eggs from there, and I touched the pre-readied goal, getting a total of 30 golden eggs and also, a pass on the station

I would then sprint to the nearest salmon nest, I stole eggs from there, and I touched the pre-readied goal, getting a total of 30 golden eggs and also, a pass on the station

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Find Me.
Collect Me.
Protect Me.

(A/N hey, here is you're Easter special! Umm do not expect frequent updates for the next week or so, let's just say it's parental reasons. But anyways, Have a good day (or noon or night)
(A/N 2)
And also did anybody else notice that Maws is kind of a homage to Jaws?

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