Chapter Three

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The dark, moonless night, on the other side of the continent; where the sun never rose and the moon's soft glow never blessed the denizens of that dark and foreboding forest. In a tangle of shadows, where death reigned above all else.

The rule survival of the fittest was more than a law of nature here. It was god. It was that which ruled above all things under its domain, not even just the plants and animals; the very earth would sometimes come alive and swallow denizens of this dark, otherworldly place.

This land was born when the floating mountains first separated themselves from the continent, floating high up in the atmosphere. The land just a few short meters below the dangling vines of the mountains was forever in night.

To one walking in, they would suddenly switch from a pure daylit forest to a warden of nightmares and demons. The border dividing the dark, monstrous Warden's Forest and the light, beautiful Garden Woods was a funny thing, some days here and some days there, never able to be accurately recorded onto a map.

Even the pattern with which the border switched location was random, unpredictable. Even the pitchwyngs, who once could sense the movements of the shadows upon the continent, could not tell where the border would be from one day to the next. 

Within this darkness lived a race of mothfacyts more strange and horrible than the rest.

The Daemoth.

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