Hydra Ghost

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Natasha finally woke up from her slumber finding Ramona close to her keeping her warm as Steve was keeping look out, she let out a painful groan making Ramona turn her head looking at the woman with her mix-match eyes. "Hey girl, thanks for keeping me warm, I hope this means we're cool." Natasha said with a painful smile sitting up stretching her sore muscles. Ramona just looked at the woman, then walked away from her over to Steve who was watching them. "Welcome back." Steve said looking just as dirty as Natasha felt. "What are we going to do now." Natasha asked walking to Steve trying to get her bearings. "I have a friend that can help us, the guy that you seen me with when you picked me up, his name's Sam." Steve said making his way to Sam home with Ramona following, Natasha didn't argue, and followed close behind. Everyone was watching their surroundings not wanting Sam in danger, Ramona stayed up front occasionally looking back at the two. They made it to Sam house, they spotted him coming back from what look like a run when Steve knocked on the door, Sam answered the door surprise to see Captain America along with Ramona and Natasha looking like they've been through hell. "Hey man." Sam said with confusion, "I'm sorry, but we had no where else to go." Steve said hoping Sam can help them out. "Everyone is trying to kill us." Natasha said. Sam took in their appearance knowing they need help. "Not everyone." Sam said opening his door letting everyone in then looking around before closing his door and blinds.

Steve was washing up along with Natasha who was drying her hair on the bed Sam had in his guest room. Steve walked out the bathroom spotting Natasha and seeing Ramona following Sam around the kitchen. Steve and Natasha was having a small talk regarding everything that has happen also their friendship that was repairing day by day. Steve forgave Natasha and deciding to give her back his trust. Natasha smiled, happy that Steve wasn't mad at her anymore, now she just need to work on Ramona. Sam walked into the room, "Breakfast is ready, if you guys are into that kind of thing, cause this lady surely is." Sam said then walking out the room, "Hey! away from the bacon." Sam shouted to Ramona who's nose was to close to the plate. Steve laugh along with Natasha, "Come on, let's save Sam from Ramona stomach." Steve said helping Natasha up. Steve saw Ramona following Sam who began eating, Sam gave Ramona bacon before Steve made his way over making a new best friend. Steve smiled at Ramona, that dog will never change when it came to food.

The group got done with breakfast, then each took a shower to get cleaned up. Ramona wasn't happy sharing a shower with Steve. Steve didn't want to make a mess to Sam bathroom the man did more then enough for them plus it was easier to keep control of Ramona, she couldn't run away from him. Now everyone was sitting around Sam table discussing everything that was going down with Shield and how to stop Hydra. "The question is, how are we going to kidnap two of the top shield operators." Steve said to Natasha, "You won't." Sam then slammed his file on the table for Steve to look at. Natasha was shock that Steve knew someone that was involve in a top secret operation. Looking over Sam file Steve couldn't believe their luck, "Sam I can't ask you to do this for us." Steve said not wanting this man to be in trouble with the law. "Dude Captain America need my help, i'm willing to get back in the game." Sam said with a smile, "Plus I can't leave this lady here, I think she will miss me." Sam said to Ramona who was laying underneath the table taking a small nap. "I can't thank you enough, this will workout perfectly." Steve said with a smile to his friend and Natasha.

Ramona and Sam was sitting in a small cafe outdoor seating area. Sam was holding onto Ramona leash acting like they were just taking a break from walking, Sam spotted Sitwell coming out of the neighboring restaurant, when Sitwell was alone Sam did his part, by making a phone call. "Agent Sitwell, how was lunch, I heard the crab cakes was fantastic." Sam said into the phone looking at his target. "Who is this?" Sitwell ask looking around trying to spot who was calling him. "Look to your ten O'clock." Sam said watching Sitwell turn the wrong way, rolling his eyes Sam said,"Your other Ten, yea there you go" waving at Sitwell who spotted him along with Captain America dog. "What do you want fool." "First, I would watch how you talk to me, Second you are going to do everything I tell you." Sam said giving direction to Sitwell on what to do if he didn't want to lose his head.

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