65- The Rose Balcony

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LIANA awkwardly stumbled into the living room of Grimmauld place about five minutes later. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and she kept her eyes firmly trained on the floor as she realised that nearly everyone in the room had just seen her with Harry's tongue down her throat.

Professor McGonagall coughed sharply to end the silence that had fallen.

"Why don't you take a seat Miss Holly, I fear we might be here for some time," she announced, gesturing towards a vacant armchair in the middle of the room. Liana shrugged and slipped into the chair, still avoiding eye contact with Sirius who was smirking rather triumphantly at her.

"We wanted to speak to you today Miss Holly to discuss your behaviour towards occlumency lessons at the end of last term-" began Professor McGonagall in a professional manner. "I realise that you didn't take too kindly to them." She gave Liana a stern look over her spectacles and Liana squirmed uncomfortably.

She hated the thought of disappointing McGonagall, but she refused to be a pawn in Dumbledore and Snape's weird twisted mind games.

"That's right Professor," voiced Liana eventually after a moment of thought.

"May I ask why you are so opposed to the lessons Miss Holly? They are, after all, for your benefit, and you didn't even attempt occlumency," asked McGonagall, glancing quickly at Remus over Liana's head.

Liana took a deep breath. She might as well say exactly what she was thinking, she had nothing to lose.

"Because you're all playing games with us. Harry might not be able to see it but I can and I know you're not all telling the truth about things. I was lied to for ages about my true father and now you want to mess with my powers and treat me like I'm some kind of puppet for you to control? No thanks, I'll leave that to Harry to deal with. I don't want any part of it, I can do this on my own." Liana finished with a sigh of breath. There was a pause as everyone exchanged guilty looks over Liana's head.

"I feel the need to explain to you Miss Holly how incredibly childish and naive you seem at this current point in time- I am offering you and Potter help to control yourselves of the highest quality and yet-" Snape interrupted, edging forwards from the corner of the room, his eyes dark and hooded. Liana grit her teeth angrily.

"Oh for Godrics sake! Did you not listen to anything I just said?!" demanded Liana, her temper rising at once and her blue eyes flashing icily at Snape.

"I can do it on my own! I don't trust any of you anyway- why should I when all you've ever done is lie to me?" She demanded rather hotly, digging her fingers into the arms of the chair she was sitting in, her knuckles turning white.

Remus and Sirius looked rather sadly at the floor. Instinctively Remus took a step forwards. Liana trust issues ran so deep they were going to land her in trouble very quickly if she couldn't get a hold on herself.

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