71-Fred and George Leave with a Bang

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LIANA was lying on the sofa in the common room, a thousand thoughts running through her mind as she gazed blankly into the dying flames if the fire in the grate in front of her. Her anger towards Harry had quickly evaporated as soon as it had arrived, despite a deep hurt that Harry would consider her a snitch, she understood why he would think like that.

What he had said was true. The amount of mind control Umbridge had achieved over Liana in the earlier parts of the year when she had detentions was worrying. Umbridge had made Liana hallucinate, had made her nightmares worse, had even made voices haunt Liana during the hours she was awake, it was as if there was no escape.

Liana shivered at the memory and turned around on the sofa so her back was facing the fire, bathing in the warmth gently. She felt her eyes begin to flutter closed as sleep came over her.

Liana was standing in the crystal ball cavern again when she opened her eyes. She was in the maze of orbs, all glistening under the dim light and all the orbs were filled with smoke, as if foggy. Liana peered closer at one and the fog seemed to swirl under her vision.

Liana stood for a moment, wondering where to go now. But then she remembered the last time she was here, that Sirius had been at the platform with the strange veil. Liana began to quickly walk along the rows of orbs, glancing down each one trying to spot the same platform, listening for any sound of movement. Finally, Liana reached the platform and she eagerly clambered up it, frantically looking around. To her shock, not only did she see Sirius, but she also saw a woman that she had never seen before.

The woman was about a head smaller than Sirius and had crazy black curls that cascaded down her back and looked as if they had never touched a brush. The woman was pale and had black eyes with the same twinkle in them that Sirius' eyes had, although there was no air of kindness to this woman.

Liana practically jumped out of her skin when both Sirius and the woman suddenly began to move, shouting at each other as if Liana didn't exist between them.

"You coming to get me Bella?- coming to get your old cousin?" Jeered Sirius, whipping his wand out from his robe pocket and holding it at the ready.

"Woah Sirius! Slow down, what's happening?" Asked Liana, jumping back from between the two so she was out of wand range. Sirius didn't even look at Liana, it was like he couldn't see or hear her at all.

"Ickle baby Sirius," mocked the woman who Sirius referred to as 'Bella'.

"Shut up Bellatrix!" Sirius threatened as he began to circle her. Bellatrix just watched Sirius like a hawk, her sharp eyes calculating his every movement with her wand at the ready also.

"Liana!" Sirius shouted as he glanced over to his left, the complete opposite direction to where Liana was standing.

"What is it Sirius? I'm over here!" Liana waved her arms around as she tried to catch Sirius' attention without breaking the dueling circle. Sirius didn't look at Liana, instead he continued to shout into the empty space to his other side. It took Liana a moment to realise that she had heard Sirius say the exact same things before. The last time she was in the maze and had seen him the exact same thing had happened, except this time, another person had joined the mix.

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