75- Rescue Gone Wrong

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AS she descended into the ministry Liana pressed her nose up against the glass of the phone box, searching into the depths of the main room she had arrived in.

She had never been to the ministry before and hadn't the faintest clue where the others could be. But she knew she had to be wary of an attack at any moment, especially if Voldemort was hanging around in these halls.

As Liana exited the lift she could feel the blood pounding in her ears. Her instincts told her to start moving, and quickly. Not sure where she was going, she began to jog around the deserted building, her eyes lingering upon the poster of Fudge's face hanging as broad as daylight in the middle of the room for everyone to see. She grimaced.

She wracked her brains as she hurried around aimlessly, searching for any clue as to where the others had gone. It wasn't long before she spotted one. Right beside the main elevator there was a brightly coloured sweet. One identical to those that Ron had fed the Inquisitorial squad mere hours before. He must have snuck a couple into his pocket just in case.

Grinning with relief she hurried over and pressed the button to call the lift. She watched as the digital arrow told her every time the lift passed another floor towards her. She knew for a fact they must be the only ones in the ministry in that moment. Everywhere was so deserted and she couldn't hear a sound, so wherever that lift had just been was her destination.

"1...2..3..4 floors," Liana counted to herself under her breath as the lift finally let out a shrill ding upon arrival and the doors opened wide in front of her. She stumbled inside and her fingers slid over the keypad, indicating she wanted to go down to the floor -4.

She couldn't help but snort at the classical music playing in the background of the lift. It hardly set the right tone of mood. At last the lift door opened.

Liana took a huge breath of air, as if it would be her last, as she stepped out, expecting to be instantly blasted by Voldemort or bombarded by spells at the very least. But there was nothing, only silence.

She was standing at the end of a very long corridor. The tiles around her made of smokey coloured glass and she could faintly see her own distorted reflection in them. The scarlet curls, sharp slanting cheekbones and striking blue eyes. She grit her teeth as she walked towards the only door at the end of the corridor.

Something was plaguing her mind as she reached for the handle, like an odd feeling of deja vu.

"alohomora," she whispered and the door simply fell open. The others must have already dismantled any more complicated locking charm she thought to herself.

However as her eyes swam into focus on the room in front of her she had to clap a hand over her mouth to stifle a scream.

It was the place from her nightmares.

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