76- Limbo

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LIANA sprinted after Harry, her wand gripped in her fist tightly and her face a stark white of shock and pain. There were tears glinting in her sharp blue eyes like shards of glass that made it difficult for her to see where she was going.

"I killed Sirius Black!" chanted Bellatrix once again as she skipped into the main hall of the ministry where the poster of Fudge still proudly hung.

Liana grit her teeth and angrily shot a jinx at Bellatrix, desperately hoping to cause some kind of damage in revenge. But Liana's aim was askew from the tears and all she could muster was a mocking laugh and easy deflect from Bellatrix.

"Come on baby Holly you can do better than that!" crowed Bellatrix teasingly "Let me show you how it's done- crucio"

Liana felt a sob rise out of her chest as the pain hit her, her vision clouding over as she fell to her knees, unable to support herself anymore.

No matter how furious and grief stricken Harry James Potter was, he still found it in himself to conjure a defence.

"Crucio!" he countered, trying to get Bellatrix to move away from Liana. The spell hit Bellatrix perfectly and she stumbled backwards, momentary pain flashing over her face. Harry seemed surprised at himself and even through her tears Liana blinked in confusion.

In all the time Liana had known Harry, he'd never ever used an unforgivable curse. This was a different Harry. As Liana looked up she could visibly see the agony on his face. But underneath that she could also see a scared and lost teenaged boy, who had just had his only parental figure ripped away from him.

A tear slowly fell from Liana's eyes and she clambered to her feet, still holding her wand.

"Not bad Potter, not bad at all. But you've got to really mean it when you curse someone- you've got to want to see them writhing on the floor in pain-" Bellatrix coaxed teasingly. Bellatrix advanced towards Harry slowly, holding her wand out and eager to see him suffer more. But to her astonishment she suddenly found herself glued to the floor. She was completely frozen and unable to move.

Despite being stuck like a statue, Bellatrix's eyes flittered over to Liana and bulged in horror that such an insignificant and annoying brat had managed to do this to her.

Liana's whole body was shaking as she realised she hadn't even cast a spell, she glanced down at her own hands and saw that around them she thought she could see a gentle golden red glow.

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