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"Why do you like to talk to him so much? Its because while you're talking to him, even for a few minutes everything goes away. It's because he helps for forget about everything that's going on for just a few minutes. It's because he knows what you're going through. It's because it gives you a break just for a few seconds. Jess, you can't run from it forever. You have to talk about it. Hey, it's okay to cry."
I shake my head no.
"No? No, it's not okay to cry? Jess, you gotta talk to me."

"I'm tired I'm going to bed." I say hoping she realizes I've had enough for one night.

"Just a few minutes ago you told me you were gonna stay up all night, now you're all the sudden tired. Why's that? It's because I'm making you talk about things you don't want to. I'm making you think about things you don't wanna think about. I'm making you realize things you don't want to."

Shut up! Just shut up! Stop talking! I think as the tears start to fall.

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