Chapter 15- It Really is You, You Bastard!

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Shinsou's POV

"Yes! Yes it's me!" Ojirou yelled, his voice was croaky and quavering, fresh tears still running down his face. His relieved smile wavered as he brushed the tears of off his cheeks.

" it's not you." I backed away from him, still sitting and letting my palms scrape across the rough ground of the roof. His face immediately contorted from happiness to worry and fear.

"No, it is! I know it seems insane but-"


"Shinsou please-!"



I continued to yell at him while I scooted back and he scooted closer.

"PROVE IT!" I screeched with new tears rolling down my face. His desperate expression all of a sudden changed into a deadpan as he got as close as possible and wrapped his tail around my arms and chest, binding me. He got onto his knees and towered over me, holding my shoulders firmly.

"We started texting after I performed in the cafeteria. The first song we listened to was by Sad Boy With a Laptop. At the party where I died, we sang Sick of Losing Soulmates together and you almost had a panic attack before we got on stage but you sang beautifully." He melted slightly as his words began to end and his lip trembled, hunching over and a single tear dropped from his eye.

My eyes widened, the salt from my tears stinging them painfully, so much so I could barely keep them open. I stared at him as he stared guiltily and painfully at the ground. No... Ojirou's...he's dead. He isn't real. This Ojirou is fake. He just has to be... right?

"You're... you're a hullicination. I'm going insane." I smiled chaotically and laughed. "I'm going insane! I'm going insane. I knew it. You're the death of me. I always knew you'd be the fucking death of me.." my voiced weakened, but the look on my face never wavered. He looked at me incredulously, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"I knew that therapy wasn't fucking helping... Todoroki's a liar...Sero's mom is a liar... I'm lying to myself... everyone's a fucking lia-" he cuts me off.

"If I was fake, could I do this...?" He starts and starts to lean in slowly, his eyes closing, and his lips parting slightly.

Oh man. The hallucination of my crush is about to kiss me.

I might as well accept... appeal to my own fantasy... since.. he's a part of me? Is that how it's supposed to go? Yeah I think so...

I close my eyes as I slowly lean back to him, a Hazey feeling filled my mind and my stomach was fluttering. My chest was pluming with warmth and everything felt slow and hot... this is.. going to... hap-

All of a sudden, I'm slapped clear across the face.


"YOU DUMMY THICC-ASS BITCH. I'M FUCKING REAL!" He yells and pulls away from me. I rub my now probably red cheek and just stare at him idiotically. His tail unbinds from around me and he pulls me into a tight hug. Immediately, I hug him back and hold him as if I'm going to lose him again.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now