v. orion valik-wells

7 0 0

word count : 513

Everything hurt. It felt like her insides were on fire, like her bones were shattering.

Strange, considering she wasn't the guy who'd just gotten thrown across the battle field with a gaping hole in his stomach. This had been the last thing she wanted to happen. It was without a doubt the worst case scenario.

Orion wasn't even supposed to have joined the front lines. She was considered too high of an Order member to be put in danger. Losing her life meant The Order losing their most powerful chess piece. Yet, they'd still put her in the front lines. And now someone was dead because of her.

"No." her plead came out as a whisper. It didn't matter that this kid had tried to kill her just seconds prior, he was a kid.

Orion ran across the field, barely moving out of the way in time to not get hit by attacks. The boy was dead, she knew that, but if there was even the slightest chance he could be saved, she'd take it. She hadn't been able to master the supposed healing abilities she held, but now was as good a time as ever to figure it out.

Reaching the boy, she almost gagged. She'd thought her imagination had over exaggerated the wound, but it'd been the opposite. There was indeed a hole in the boy's stomach, passing all the way through. His insides had basically been disintegrated and blood pooled around his body. His blonde hair that once stood out like a halo above his head was now matted in blood and dirt from when he'd been flung. His dead chocolate eyes held a fear she'd never wanted to see, let alone cause. Orion couldn't feel his essence. He was gone.

Kneeling beside the boy momentarily, she placed her hand over his face and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry." Maybe placing a black rose on top of bodies was an Order of the Black Sun exclusive, but if she'd had one, she wouldn't have hesitated to lay it in his hands.

Wiping her tears away, she looked back towards the battle that surrounded her. The Order was losing, unsurprisingly. The royal bloodlines held immeasurable power, and the fact they had vessels on their side (not to mention the fact that two of those vessels happened to be the twins of Queen Samantha herself) was basically a death sentence for them. Orion sighed in defeat. They couldn't win this.

"PHILLIP!" The scream pierced her ears and she whipped her head to the left, noticing a girl with long black hair pulled into a ponytail. She could see the tears glistening in her eyes, and the fact the girl was looking in their direction told her enough. The girl's gaze fell upon Orion and it filled with a fire that made her freeze up. She didn't think anyone had ever looked at her like that.

Author's Note

all I have to say months after I took this book down only to put it back up is : yikes

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