C H A P T E R 11

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I'm really sorry for the late update.

Guess what day it is.

It's my wedding. Yes, its my freaking wedding day. I can't believe I'm getting married, that too to one of hottest guys ever.

In less than an hour, I'd say 'I do' to Xander. It feels like a dream, really. He hasn't told where we'd be going for honeymoon yet though.

Honeymoon? Yes I was also surprised when he mentioned it but he had explained to me that as the ideal loving couple that we pose as, it's only normal for us to go for a honeymoon.

But yes, he did mention we won't be doing anything 'silly' as he called it. He mentioned that he'd be managing his business from there and I could go shopping and sightseeing.

I'm looking forward to going wherever he wants to, so I don't mind enjoying my vacation on my own. I mean, who doesn't like exploring.

"Hey, nichole. Are you ok?" Claire asked looking concerned. Oh God! I made them worry with my silly thoughts.

"Yea, yea. I'm fine." I answered giving her a small smile.

"Thinking about the wedding night, huh?" Micky teased and I rolled my eyes. Like hell, there would be one.

"Just shut up, micky." Claire replied clearly irritated by Micky's teasing.

Despite being best friends, claire and Micky are always arguing with each other. Maybe it's because they are both polars apart. While Micky is the type to talk so much, be playful and party all night long, claire is the total opposite. She is mature, conservative and talks only when really necessary.

In order to reduce the tension and argument that might start next , I did what I could.

"Micky, please call dad for me. I'd love to talk him before I leave." I said facing her. She was looking slightly upset but nodded anyways and left the room.

"Claire, oh claire! I'm gonna miss you, baby. Won't you miss me?" I cooed pulling her into a hug and she relaxed

 Won't you miss me?" I cooed pulling her into a hug and she relaxed

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"I'd miss you too." She pulled out of the hug and put her hands on my cheeks.

"I'd really do. It's not too late, nicky. We could alter all these. Don't ruin your life like this, nichole."

I sighed and went back to wearing my heels. "You just had to ruin the mood, didn't you?" I feigned annoyance and before she could reply, dad interrupted us.

"Hey honey." He said , behind me. I turned around and he looked at me in awe.

"Oh gosh, baby, you look lovely." He remarked kissing me gently on my forehead. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

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