Chapter 12- What's Going On?

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Chapter 12- What's Going On?

"Blood." Riley said, as if we were curious as to what it was. Aria smacked him.

"Thanks, Bottle Boy, as if it took a genius to figure that out." Aria teased. But she seemed worried.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I said, not wanting them to worry. I wasn't really worth causing anyone to much worry. Leo looked up, well, rather down at me. His height making it more of a look down, but he was looking up from what he was looking at.

"Has this happened before?" He asked. I shrugged, why are they making such a huge deal out of it?

"It happened a few times before. I am not sure what it means. It doesn't hurt, and I never noticed anything that explained what was happening. When I had asked Alpha, he just whipped me and told me to mind my business, and not to bother with things above my pay-rate." I shrugged. Levi came close to me, and slowly wrapped an arm around me waist, giving me a look that showed me I could say no. I let his arm stay there. Leo looked thoughtful, and angry. It reminded me of my weird spell of being able to to tell him what to do. But it vaguely reminded me of the many times I used my powers, to make people say or do what my Alphas wanted. But it never came as easy as it did, when talking to Leo.

"I don't know what it means." He growled, I stepped out of Levi's arms, and gave him a small smile, before walking over to Leo. I placed my hands on either side of his face, having to reach up.

"It's okay, we will figure it out, if it means anything. " I said, caressing his cheek. His eyes were locked with mind, when he turned his face into my palm, and his eyes drifted closed with a sigh. I smiled at him. I found it very easy to give them the chance, I promised William.

It was in that moment, William walked into the room.

"Willy! What are you doing in here?" Logan asked, standing up quickly. I assumed everyone thought what I was thinkingk. How much had my young friend heard? William spoke nothing to him, which shocked us all. Logan seemed agitated. "Willy, I am your Alpha, what are you doing in here?" He asked again, power leaking from his voice. I flinched, and Leo wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

Yet, William ignored him, and locked eyes with me. How he ignored the alpha voice, I dont know. But he walked up to me. And did the most odd thing I had ever seen in my entire life. He blinked a few times, until his eyes became wet, and when he whipped his eyes, blood was also was on his finger. His other hand came toward my face, I bent down for him, and he touched the blood on my eyes, and smashed my blood, with his blood. His eyes were fuzzy and bland, when he looked at me with wide serious eyes.

"Were coming." He said, but his voice was deeper and had a faint accent I did not recognize.

"What?" I asked, even though everyone was stunned into silence. He showed me the blood of mine, and his that he mixed.

"We are coming." He whispered again, and then his eyes went back to his normal playful eyes. He looked around in confusion. "What's your guys issue? You look like fish. And why am I in here? And what are you staring at!" He asked, pouting in confusion. I just gaped at him, what in the world just happened. Vaguely in my mind, a memory teased my brain, but It was gone as quick as it came. A sense of dej'a vu came over me. But I could not remember why it felt so familiar.

"William, What were you doing right before you came in here?" Levi asked, with a firm grip on his shoulders. William, just looked confused.

"I was climbing the peach tree, and thinking about Ivory, and how I was happy she was giving you a chance. When one of the peaches, fell off, and broke on the ground. And then I was here." He said shrugging. Levi seemed to be going frantic.

"That doesn't make any sense!" He said loudly, making William tear up and whimper. I grabbed Levi's hand and pulled him to Leo and I. He turned and placed his face in my neck. Instead of feeling awkward, like I expected, it just felt nice. I pulled back, Levi's hands placed around my waist, ad Leo, sitting at my side, with his hand on one side of me. I made him look me in the eye.

"We will find it out, and if not, then we just enjoy what we can, until we find out what it is. I am trying to have this freedom, and enjoy my life with it. I plan on having the best of it, until I no longer can. I spent my whole life, not having any freedom, or happiness, I am not going to let the fear of loosing it, stop me from ever having it." I placed a kiss on his lips, and he placed his forehead on mine, and nodded.

"I will contact the council and see if they know anything. Witches are not seen often anymore, but they have very old people. We will also check our records. But I dont know if we will know much more than we already do about witches." Logan said, my eyes snapped from Levi, to him. What did he mean more than he already did?

"Why would you know anything?" I asked. Everyone grew silent, and looked to Leo and Levi, at once everyone nodded, and began to leave. Aria placed her hand on my arm, pulled me in a hug, and left. Everyone soon following. Logan, surprising me, placed a kiss on top of my head, and sent warning look to my mates.

'What's going on?' Ivy asked. I mentally shrugged. How was I supposed to know? At the last moment, Leo yelled out the door.

"Tell Aaron to coordinate the runs, I am going to be busy tonight." He said loudly. I huffed, and rubbed my ear.

"Yes, Dad. I will make sure the dogs are walked before..." Aaron was cut off by loud growls filling the house. He simply laughed. "Come on warrior ladies!" He yelled through the house, then the door closed, and I heard nothing. I sighed mentally, happy that the room was soundproof, I hadn't thought about it before-hand.

"You want to sit down?" Levi asked. However, without waiting for an answer, he was pulling me to a larger couch, and had me sit down with him and Leo on either side of me.

"The reason we had them leave, is its a little more complicated, about why we know so much about witches." I think it was then that Ivy began to pace, and the same moment a deep panic filled my chest. I just told them everything, I am now stuck in a sound-proof room, with two people, whom know more about witches than most packs do. And now is telling me its for a reason? My breaths began rushing. What if they know, because they know my old pack? I saw fingers click in front of my face. I looked to Leo, when his warm hand cupped my face.

"Its not like that. Its about the Spirits, not anything about using you." I looked at him in confusion. The spirits?

"The Spirits, do you know what they are?" He asked.

"Vaguely" I nodded. Leo looked to Levi and nodded.

"Well the crazy thing about the Spirits and us is..." Levi started.

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