Chapter 3

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WARNING: Mineta is extremely offensive. Please read trigger warnings.

Third person pov

Migraines were a common occurrence for Harper. Considering it had been years upon years since she last experienced true, total silence, this wasn't much of a surprise. You'd think she would have adjusted to the constant noise bombarding her mind at all times. To an extent, she was indeed used to it. She had to be to function at all. However, UA was truly something else. After sitting there for a mere hour, walls down and listening closely for anything even relatively suspicious, she found her head pounding so hard she wished it would just hurry the fuck up and explode.

There was this one kid in glasses sitting diagonal from her. He was tall, with blue hair and oddly perfect posture. He looked like the type to stress over the rules and be extremely sure of everything they did. You know, the real stick-up-their-ass type. But Harper had learned a long, long time ago that appearances were deceiving. Exhibit A, her new teacher, Shota Aizawa. Was that man on crack? She'd never heard anyone mind ramble so much in her life.

Back to the kid in the glasses. His thoughts? They were fucking killing her. Sure, she was depressed, but this guy? Holy hot shit. He needed some therapy, and he needed it now.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot." His mind groaned. "I'll never be good enough if I keep this up. How did I even get into UA? I would end it all, but funerals cost so much money, and I'm sure my brother and parents would be distraught despite how useless I am. But do I truly deserve to live? I follow the rules, but is that good enough? No, no, of course it's not. It'll never be good enough. I'm not good enough."

It had been like that all day. Harper wasn't a big people person, nor did she particularly... well, anyone. She'd live alone in the mountains as a hermit if she could. Even so, even she couldn't help but be worried for the guy. Just what the fuck had he gone through to have thoughts like that? It was severely concerning to her. Considering the zero fucks she usually gave, that was saying something. Harper knew she'd told Nezu she wouldn't use her quirk to get information for the super genius, and she knew Tenya's thoughts weren't necessarily suspicious, but she felt she should bring them up anyway.

She tapped her pencil on her notebook for a moment before flipping to a new page. Her memory was absolute shit, and with all the thoughts she had flying at her, it made sense. New input overthrew the old information. Thus, she was simply going to have to write everything down. Everything of note, anyway. Maybe this guy's future therapist could use these. Was that legal? She highly doubted it, but that shit wasn't going to stop her.

Glasses boy's thoughts weren't the only ones invading her, of course. There was a plethora of other ponderings bouncing around the room. Her teacher's seemed to be the loudest. His inner, hidden, bubbly personality was loud

"Look at them, all taking notes! Such good kids. I don't deserve the- Oh my god, oh my god, Tsuyu moved! So cute! Did anyone else see th- KAMINARI MOVED TOO-"

It was pretty intense. Harper wasn't sure how to feel about it.

There was also the half-and-half kid next to her. She was definitely taking notes on him.

"Father was seen in a different prefecture today, so perhaps he won't be home until it's too late for training. I don't want to get burned again right before the Sports Festival, not to mention people may notice in the locker rooms. Perhaps I can find a reason to stay out of the house if he is coming home. I'll have to ask Fuyumi. Hopefully he won't hurt her. I know he takes his anger out on her when I'm not present. Should I go home and just take the beating? The Sports Festival is coming up rather fast. He's going to be harsher. Hopefully I won't vomit this time around. If he can even get close enough. If I go on the defense-"

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