To You It's See You Soon, To Me It's Goodbye

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It has been a week of not speaking to Colby. Kat convinced him to move the entire house to Florida for a few weeks since most of the gang had been secured elsewhere and all our fighters were ready and staying in LA with Elton to lead them. The plan is going perfectly. Colby thinks I am mad at him, Kat reinforced that and convinced him to let us girls drive there while everyone else flew to get some time alone and so that I could avoid Colby. 

Basically we are going to start driving a day early, but really Kat and Devyn are leaving a day early and dropping me off at a hotel. I'm staying there until everyone's flight leaves. After that Colby and everyone else will be setting up the house and Kat and Devyn will arrive 2 days after everyone else. They will park the car a block from the Florida house, slash the tires and sabotage the engine followed by doing that to every other vehicle in the area that Colby could possibly use. Then right before they walk inside they will call all Florida airports and leave a bomb threat shutting down all airports for at least three days by continuously calling on different burner phones that will be dropped to right outside the airports, looking more threatening. When Colby asks about me Kat and Devyn won't be able to not tell him and hopefully he will be more concerned about getting back then he will be about punishing Kat and Devyn. 

It took hours to convince Devyn and the only way we were able to was my method for destroying Andrew. Over the last three days I have been sending him jewelry, weapons and cash with notes saying things like, "I decided to do my own covert mission because I knew you wouldn't let me, but don't worry baby I love you and they are trusting me with every secret <3" and "Don't worry bb I'm coming home soon" and "I knew when they took me it was my chnace, but I'm tired of their nasty hands on me" which of course leaves a pit in my stomach, but I am hoping he is "realizing" I did it all for him. Some friends of Kat's agreed to watch Andrew's house behind Colby's back and see how he reacted. We also got Olivia to watch him from the inside and make sure he didn't stop believing in it. From experience I know every single person in that house drinks coffee. So Kat and I, with the help of some lab workers who owed Colby a favor, developed a type of micro-organic robot to replicate as sugar and survive digestion and liquid damage. We hijacked their artificial sugar packets and creamers and loaded the bulk shipments with the sugar replica robots. The tiny robots are all sequenced together and controlled by a computer at the lab. The robots are hidden in every single sugar and creamer and programmed to avoid digestion once inside stomachs. After a week, every single micro-organism will release a highly potent neurotoxin designed to paralyze the body for exactly 4.25 hours (just to be safe). The shipments went out 4 days ago to ensure use before I got there incase we need to set off the robots early. Olivia also tainted the sugar that is in the house and put a similar version of the robots (that look like alcohol) into the liquor around the house especially Andrew's ensuring his immobility long enough for me to finish him. The reaction only requires 5 of the tiny robots to work, but luckily they are indigestible and will stay in the consumers stomach waiting to release the toxin. 

Colby leaves in 1 day, we are all leaving today with the plan perfectly in check. I have everything packed and ready to go even though Kat and Devyn are taking it with them for "when" I return to avoid Andrew destroying it. Honestly I can't imagine Andrew being happy with me, plan working or not, so no matter what I say or do I know this is going to hurt, but I didn't have the heart to tell the girls that I might not come back even if the plan works properly. If I am unable to kill Andrew I purposely asked Olivia to do the honors and make sure he is dead so at least everyone else is safe from him. 

We leave in 15 minutes and I am standing in the hallway kind of staring into Colby's room unintentionally. I don't notice when he comes up behind me until he speaks.

C: Blaire I want to talk to you.

I sigh and look down before he grabs my hand and pulls me into his room. He leads me over to his bed and sits down, so I follow his actions, but don't look at him. 

C: Blaire I know you think I'm being cruel, but I promise you I am doing this becuase it is for the greater good. I would not sacrifice anyone no matter who they are until we had at least considered all our options. Elton and I are finishing up a plan to take down Andrew without any casualties. And I know you don't think this is right and I know you think I have no experience in this category, but I do. 

He sighs and looks at the ground.

C: The only person that knows this is Elton because he was here at the time. I have never told anyone why I joined this gang or why I lead it.

Me: *whispering while looking down* You don't have to tell me.

Colby looks at me shocked for a minute that I actually spoke to him before looking back down.

C: No I want to. It was when I was 14 and Gang leader by the name of Firecracker broke into my home and stole me from my parents. I had a 3 year old sister and a 6 year old brother. He took me and forced me to join his gang. I refused. So instead of making me a member, he kept me as a hostage and a servant and a chew toy. I... I... I...

I place my hand on his reassuringly.

C: I was with them for 5 years, the gang was called Mortem which is Latin for death. They were the same as ROH, but at the time got away with a lot more. Elton joined the gang the last year and was my only friend. It was the original ROH that wiped them out, but me and Elton escaped and started a new gang that would help people and provide protection from others trying to harm them. Andrew doesn't even know that that's were I came from, which is why he has no intel on me.

I reach over and give Colby a hug, I can tell he wasn't expecting it but eventually he melted into the hug and hugged back. Then I heard Devyn calling me. I know I shouldn't but I kissed him one last time because I know this is probably the last time I will see him. After way too short a time I break off the kiss and give him one last look as I go downstairs to the girls. 

The girls and I say goodbye as they drop me off at the hotel,but unfortunately I guess I have been hugging them both for too long because Kat starts looking at me funny, but I say goodbye and walk into the hotel...

Here We Go.

Colby Brock Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now