Chapter Fifty-Two: A World On Fire

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There was something different in the water that day, though Veran could not determine exactly what it was

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There was something different in the water that day, though Veran could not determine exactly what it was. It could have been the abundance of meetings happening in the palace, or the sense of foreboding that had spread its vines throughout the city, but one thing was for certain. It was leading to something. Something bad.

In his youthful arrogance Veran didn't have any care for the tense atmosphere that had imbued itself within the kingdom. He was too focused on the day's classes, or more specifically, his desire to skip them. Veran was currently swimming through the castle's doors, eyes instantly falling onto his mother. Veran always knew where to find her at this time of day. She had developed a morning ritual that was rarely broken. One that involved paying her respects to a statue of Kasalus, her first born son. Veran didn't quite understand the point of this though. She had him, and was pregnant with his sibling. So why should she mourn another child when there were two more in her life?

"Mother." Veran spoke. The past few years of vocal training had left him with a refined, mature tone to his voice...but no matter how he tried to sound older than his years, Queen Camille still only saw him as a child.

Camille's reaction to her son's voice was instant. She turned, an affectionate smile playing on her lips. "Aren't you suppose to be in weapons training?"

"I don't want to go. I hate that class." Veran huffed stubbornly. He crossed his arms over his chest, much like his father did whenever he was feeling particularly annoyed, and pouted.

Camille pushed forward until she was floating right in front of her sulking son. "Really? I thought you enjoyed it."

"I like it when I'm on my own. I don't know why I have to train with those other kids." Veran's gaze was defiant, and his words soaked with disdain. "Half of them are annoying suck ups, and the other half make fun of me! I'm a prince. I shouldn't have to train with them."

Camille's lips tugged into a frown. She could see in her son many great things, but hidden beneath the privilege that he had been born into. More than anything, he was starting to resemble his uncle Orm and that was an unwelcome thought. "You may be royalty, but you are no prince. Not until you start acting like one."

The stern voice of his mother rang within his ears and shot pure adrenaline straight into his veins. She never got angry, only incredibly disappointed...which was somehow a lot worse. "What do you mean? I'm acing all of my classes!"

"Being a gifted warrior, a neat writer, or a smooth speaker are not the same as being a worthy prince. Especially not if you want to be a king." Camille tried to explain, but it was always difficult for Veran to understand. He had never experienced the hardship that shaped both Arthur and Camille's moral compass. He saw the world as a flat, black and white painting. No greys. No colour. "It's about more than that; having goals to improve the kingdom, and caring for all of its people. Even the ones that you don't particularly like. You need to know the people of Atlantis. To speak to them. To rule by their side, not from above them."

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