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I have no idea what is happening but it's happening. In that moment I felt so glad that I gave Willow my phone number to ring me if she is ever in any kind of trouble.

When she rang, I answered immediately, hearing her crying, the shouting in the background. Willow was sobbing. "Ryan, please come help. Mum is yelling and I think he is going to hurt her."

I had ran to my car, leaving the middle of an important meeting with Ashlyn and the funeral director, racing to Harper's.

Out the front was her car and that white pajero. I could hear the yelling as soon as I opened my car door and I ran to the door.

"You fucking bitch!" I heard a male voice roar then a huge slap noise as I slammed open the door.

I only took three steps in when I saw Harper on the floor, her face red on one side and Connor standing over her.

"Ryan!" Willow screamed and I saw her at the entrance of the room.

Connor turned to me, his face just as red as Harper's. She slapped him. Connor pointed a finger at me. "You stay out of this."

I looked back down at Harper and I felt pure rage come through me. "Did you hit her?"

"Get out off my house!" Connor raged at me.

Harper got up and went to Willow and whispered something to her. Willow went down the hall as Harper straightened up.

"Sure, Connor. We will go." She snapped, pulling down the hem of her shirt. "I'm fine." I took Harper's arm.

"Are you sure?"

Harper nodded and I saw the mark starting to swell a bit. I turned to Connor and took his shirt.

"What are you going to do, hey?" Connor sneered.

I really wanted to punch him in the face but instead, I pushed him away.

"Coward." Conner snickered.

"No. I'm respectful. I don't hit women and I don't hit anyone in front of women or children. I'm not the coward, you are." I snapped as Harper pulled me back.

"Don't bother, Ryan. He isn't worth it." Harper cried out, pulling me away more. "Willow, come on."

"No. You aren't going anywhere and neither is my daughter." Connor went to stomp up the hallway and Harper immediately went after him.

"Leave her alone! What the hell has gotten in to you? Stay away from Willow!" She screamed at him, punching him in the arm. I intervened again and was pushed into the wall.

Connor went to the room that Willow was in and I heard her sobbing as I helped Harper up.

"No, daddy! I don't want to stay. Don't make me stay!" She cried out as Connor dragged her out.

"Let her go you bastard! She is an innocent child!" Harper yelled at him.

"Mummy!" Came Willows shriek in her distress as Harper pushed me off her and barged at Connor.

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