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Has he finally swung? Maybe he's just finally come out of the closet. Maybe he's going to dump Annabeth for me. Maybe he's going to come to the Underworld with me. Maybe-

"Okay. We need to talk about your shadow shifting."

"What about it?"

"We're you spying on Annabeth and I?"

"Nope," crap. This is not what I wanted.

"We're you spying on them out there?"

"Um, ew."

"Then how did you show up?"

"...." Ooh crap okay okay okay think Nico, THINK!! "Well, it's hard to explain. But. Well, it's like we're Hades kids, me and Hazel? Yeah well so, we have these senses about death. Especially about each other. And so it's like she was freaking about about Fire Boy and you're like-uh- Water Boy? Anyway, so like I decided I could, you know, grab you and save her!" Yeah. Nailed it. *metaphorical shades*


"So, yeah!"

"Hey, umm, do you think-" here it is. Here. It's coming. I know it is. "Do you think that you could maybe teach Hazel how to do it? It would be really useful against Gaea." Well then. CURSE THE GODS. MYTHOMAGIC HAS TAUGHT ME NOTHING. I'VE SPENT MORE TIME IMAGINING THIS GOING ANY OTHER WAY THAN PLAYING CLUB PENGUIN AND MYTHOMAGIC COMBINED!!

"Well....maybe. Hades likes her more. He might allow me to teach her."

"Who taught you?"

"Well, Percy. Can I call you Percy?"


"Well, Percy. I'm not exactly popular. So, when a not exactly popular person is torn between two worlds, two families, and basically only belongs in the Underworld, he has a lot of alone time."

"Mythomagic time."

"I outgrew Mythomagic a long time ago."

"Man. I was hoping you could teach me." He's teasing me.

"Nope. Sorry." I won't take it.

" 'Kay." I might have misplayed that.


"Yeah. It's about time for dinner."

"Okay. See you...sometime?" I'm ready to get out of here. Of course, I also want to stay forever.

"Well, actually, I was thinking maybe you could stay? Like, for a while? You could stay in Coach Hedge's old room."


"ImeantohelpHazel," he said very fast, blushing. IF THERE IS ANY JUSTICE IN THE WORLD PLEASE LET THIS MEAN WHAT IM HOPING.

"Yeah. Duh."

"Okay. Well," he comes over and awkwardly hugs me.

"I'll go, uh, find Hazel," I say as I rush out. I hear him let out a few choice words behind me. I let a few of my own. Why, why, why WHY did it end like that.


I'm still hard.

This is bad. This is bad bad bad bad bad BAD BAD!

I'm wearing my black skinny jeans. It's noticeable. I swear to Zeus. Piper has some closes that'll fit me. I'm sure. She has to. But then it'll be cut for a her. No, she probably has basketball shorts or something. Maybe Hazel? She'll understand...? Have I told her Okay. If I haven't. I can. She's Hazel. She probably already even knows.


"Hey, uh, Hazel?"

"Yeah?" She says without even looking up.


She looks up. "Oh. Oh. Okay, um....?"

"Should I talk to um Piper or-"

"No, um... Just why?"

"Well.... Okay. Can I sit?" She nods. "Well, okay. I don't like girls."

"I know."

"I mean, like, any girls."

"Nico, I know."

"Yeah, but, I mean, I like, um, well-"

"You like guys, Nico. I know."

"You know. You know? You know? HOW?!"

"Ways," she says, smiling. I want to smack that smirk off her face.


"Okay, Nicola."

"Do NOT call me that."

"Okay, fine. But, Nico. It's so obvious."

"IT IS??!!!!"

"Chill, Nico. The others just write it off that your emo and gothic and stuff. But black skinny jeans? I'm pretty sure I have those exact pants in a size bigger. stop blushing!"


"Anyway..," she says, rummaging through her stuff. "Here," she says giggling. I give her the finger "Nico!" she says dying from laughing.

"Really, Hazel? Really? I'm so disappointed in you," I say, pretending to leave.

"Sorry! I thought you would like a pink skirt!"

"No! I'm appalled that you even own that. It's cut way too high. Is. It. For. Frank? "

"Oh my Gods, Nico! I can't believe you!" She says, laughing.

"How often has he seen you in it?"

"Nico! Stop!" She can't stop laughing.

Knock knock knock

"Yes?" I say in my fake British accent.

Percy walks in, "Hey, it's time for...." He trails, looking at me. Looking down there. F+++.

"Okay, Percy! We'll be there. In a sec," Hazel answers.

"Okay," he says, blushing. F+++. F+++ing Tartarus.

"Give. Me. Something. Now," I say, as soon as I can't hear his footsteps anymore.

"Okay, here," she says, tossing me a baggy pair of dark blue jeans.

"Perfect! Love you!" I say, rushing to the bath.

"You love Percy," she laughs after me.


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