Scene 14 - Lunch

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The mess hall is filled with people either eating, talking, or practicing with their powers. Ember and Hannah enter the mess hall and take the seat closest to the windows. There is a loud CHATTING and LAUGHTER in the background.


I really hope you're liking it here so far. There are so many fun things to do and so many great people to meet.

Ember shakes her head, slightly glancing at Hannah. Hannah looks to another table.


I usually sit with my other friends, but I wanted to let you settle in before you meet them...They can be a handful at times.

Ember looks in the direction Hannah is looking to see a small table filled with people of different looks and sizes.


Who are they? Are they your friends?

Hannah nods and smiles.


We do work and train together a lot.

Hannah points to A MAN with red-orange hair wearing glasses with an odd tattoo going down his neck.


That's ALEXANDER, He's kind of like the leader of our friend group. You might have met him earlier.

Ember nods trying to remember if she had seen him or not before now.

Ember sees someone somewhat familiar to her and squints her eyes.


Who is that girl? The one with the really long hair.


Bliss? She helps with most of the heavy stuff. She's super strong.

Ember nods again, staring down BLISS, who is around 17 with long black hair and sun-kissed skin.


That guy over there-

Hannah points to an AFRICAN-AMERICAN MAN a little older than Ember with his hair put up in a strange hairstyle.


That's CAMDYN. He likes to sing and spar, and he can phase through stuff.

Ember watches as Camdyn lifts up a SMALL, PALE CHILD with fiery red hair and grey eyes.


Who's that little girl, don't powers get strongest once supers have hit puberty? She's really young.

Hannah frowns and looks at the girl.


That's KIRA. Her parents were both supers. Her father died before she was born and her mother died during childbirth. She thinks Apollo is her father.


Does she have powers?


Yeah. They're not very strong though. She can put animals to sleep. Not, like, killing them asleep, but asleep.

Ember nods again, seeing a girl that looks very similar to Bliss walk over to the table.


Who's that? And why does she look like Bliss?


That's Blithe—she's Bliss's twin sister. She's older by like...five minutes.

Hannah giggles a little.

Ember notices another YOUNGER PERSON at the table, with their back facing her and silverish hair pulled in a ponytail. The girl turns to look at Ember quickly and Ember jumps in surprise as the girl's eyes are glazed over. Only a bit of the blue color they had is showing.

Hannah laughs again.


Don't worry about Alice. She's very nice once you get to know her.


What happened to her eyes?


Her parents were part of A.C.O.R.D.. They thought they could cure her if they tried experimenting on her before her powers developed and their experiments made her blind.


She can't see? Then why did she look at me like that?


She can feel your eyes on her. It's kinda creepy, but useful too. She's helped us catch many spies with that ability.

Ember looks over again to see Alice looking away from her again.

Ember decides to change the subject.


You said work earlier. What kind of work?

Hannah visibly lightens up.


Everyone here has something special to do every day, I wash the dishes with my bubbles—

As she says this, bubbles float from her hands.


I usually do that with Kira. She likes bubbles. Unsurprisingly.


What kind of job would I be doing?


You'd have to ask Apollo about that. He assigns the jobs based on power and personality, and I don't think we need fire to wash dishes.

Hannah Laughs at her own 'joke'. Ember stares blankly at Hannah. Hannah clears her throat. Embarrassed.


But anyway, you have a lot of training to do. I'm sure Apollo will go easy on you since you're new, but if Camdyn is there, he'll give you a hard time. Don't hold it against him though, he likes to show off.

Ember rolls her eyes and sighs in annoyance, CRACKING HER KNUCKLES.

Alexander yells over to Hannah waving.


Hey, Suds!

Ember raises an eyebrow.


Suds? What kind of nickname is that?

Hannah gently smacks Ember's arm in a feigned offense.


It's my special nickname. I'll be honest, I hate it, but if it makes them happy, they can call me that. It's not like they'll actually stop if I tell them to.

Almost interrupting her, STATIC starts from a speaker in the corner of the room.



Lunch is almost over. Finish up, grab your food and go.

Ember and Hannah glance at each other.


Why did we never get any food?

Hannah giggles and starts dragging Ember with her. Hannah grabs a sandwich for each of them from the trays and they quickly leave the mess hall with the rest of Hannah's friends at the exit. 

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