Scene 28 - Killing Creed

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Establishing shot: Ember storming out of the campsite in pursuit of Creed.

Feature: Ember walking out campsite on fire. She lights up anything in the path.

Ember walks fast with a hunched back. She cracks her knuckles as she looks around for Creed.


(angry, speaks to self)

I'm not going back. I don't care. He's going to get what he deserves.

Ember spots Creed in the distance stopped by the black and purple shield Alice made. Fire surrounds him in a slowly closing ring. Apollo sees it and runs inside before it closes. Creed turns around nonchalantly and smiles.


I see you've come for me. You've come to kill me.


Have you learned to control it? So you won't burn down the forest and burn me like how you burnt your par-


(explosive, fiery rage)

I didn't kill my parents! You did! Now, however, I will kill you.


(starts to become fearful, doesn't express)

Oh, you won't do any such thing! You may be angry, but I know that you won't kill me. You're too scared. And after you fail, we'll do the same thing we did to them, to you and the rest of your demon friends.


You don't know me like you used to, Creed! And you leave the rest of them alone! Haven't you done enough?

The fire ring closes smaller. Ember starts a fireball in her hands.

Creed pulls a knife out and throws. In the air, it catches fire, melts, and the remains fly by both sides of Ember without touching her. Fire engulfs Ember's entire body.


This is for everything you've done to me. It's time I get my revenge!

Apollo arrives at a distance behind Ember.




A massive blue flame bursts from Ember in every direction, engulfing everything. Creed instantly dies. She looks back to where Apollo's voice came from and sees him near the edge of the fire, burning and SCREAMING IN PAIN.





Ember, her hair now white and ashy. Instantly shuts off all fire and runs towards her dying mentor. Smoke is swirling and ashes are flying. She picks up Apollo's head.



I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop myself. I'm sorry!


(looks at Ember, losing consciousness)
I know, Ember. But don't worry. Control your emotions. Learn to do that and you'll be the greatest hero everyone needs...



I can't. I don't know how. I don't... I don't know if I want to...

Apollo dies and she closes his eyes out of respect. Ember falls back, tears running down her cheeks. She feels the bracelet fall off her wrist, she glances at it seeing the silver melt leaving the rubies.


(Talks to self)

How? How do I control myself?


All my life I could never control myself.

Ember walks back to Apollo's burnt body. She decides to cremate him.


(burning his body)

I'm sorry, Apollo. I don't think I can control my anger. My anger empowers me. I'm going to use it to my advantage.

Ember looks toward Apollo's ashes. She decides to leave him there.

Ember thinks as she saunters back to camp. She comes up with an idea.

Ember makes it back to the camp and all the supers see her. She cracks her knuckles. 

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