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Jack: Oh God I ain't good at this

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Jack: Oh God I ain't good at this......
Anti:.........*smirks and looks at jack doing a backbend then bending even more so my chest is on the ground and I can see through my legs* I might be flexible enough?
Chase: Funny........I can only do the backbend part......*does a back bend* EXORCIST!!*walks around doing the backbend and anti does the same thing up the wall* Now I cant do that!*intends and starts laughing as Anti comes down laughing as well*

Mark: ummmmm..... Dark can you-*looks at dark seeing his arms bent backwards the WRONG way and him doing the twisty leg thing I can do and his head turned completely around*AGH!!! WHAT THE FUCK DARK!?!?!?
Dark:You literally made me part bones are broken everywhere. But can you help me with my head please?......its stuck.....
Mark:*grabs Darks head and turns it around making him sigh in relief as his neck pops and cracks in different ways and he fixes his arms himself and Wilford walks in walking Exorcist style then walks to us and does a handstand flipping onto his feet*
Wilford:I think we're all flexible except Jack? Mark's twistylegs puts him with us...

Schneep: *walks in sighing Holding the game of twister and sets it up* Okay, everyone around ze mat! *holds the spin dial*
*everyone gathers around the Mat smirking to the others*

~2 hours later~

*Everyone is in somewhat sexual positions and it doesn't help that when someone gets their ass up near wilford who is over them he starts to grind on them just to get them to fall and lose and he soon does that to Mark since he got Jack out already as well as Anti*

Chase: Damn Wilford. You just wanted it to be me and you huh?
Google*blue*: *In the background watching my face flushed red and anger surging through me because I may or may not be just in love with him but......YANDERE over him and Air was right.......*
Wilford:*starts to struggle to stay up making odd grunting and huffing noises before my arms just give out and I fall back with an oof*Damn..... you beat me Chase.......
Chase:*stands up still perfectly fine and throws my arms in the air* YEAH!!! I AM THE MASTER OF TWISTER!!!!*Happy as fuck with a huge smile on my face*
Google:*Calms down and smiles walking out sighing knowing if he even saw me smiling or angry in those times that he would feel in a sense scared because no one ever sees me smile*

Hmm.......well chase won simple fact...its because before doing his trick shots he was actually a gymnast and an acrobat so he has the strength and flexibility for twister.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you! In the next one.

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