Chapter 18

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A/N: Updates are now changed to Monday, and Fridays! Enjoy the chapter.

"Because you know I'm all about that bass! 'Bout that bass, no treble!" I sang, as we cruised quickly down the never-ending highway. Nathaniel was grinning, and took my hand that was grasped into a fist and being used as a microphone.

The song blared in the background, and he waited till the chorus again. He started to sing, the ripples in his voice clearly taking effect. "Because you know I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble!" I laughed, as I watched him sing into my hand.

I reached over and scrolled the dial down, the music slowly softening. He was still smiling, as he put his arm once again on the steering wheel.

I studied his flawless features, and asked, "Are we almost there yet?"

He smirked, and glanced at me for a moment. "What are you, eight?"

I frowned. "Jerk."

He chuckled, and checked his phone. "We're actually.. five minutes away."

My stomach churned with nerves. I was finally going to meet my mom. He pulled off the highway, and took a left on red. "Were supposed to continue this road for about a mile, or two." The car entered a thick, beautiful bracket of overhang trees. I rolled down my window, and stuck out my head; looking up into the sky. The green leaves, speckled with revealed patches of sunlight, hung close to the car; but I knew it was only an illusion. I smiled, and returned my head.

As soon as I got my head back in, I caught Nathaniel's eye. He immediately whipped back around to stare at the road ahead.

I hid a smile, and we suddenly pulled into a road. Large houses sat acres from eachother, and my eyes widened.

Nathaniel gathered our surroundings. "Wow."

I nodded. "Wow is right."

The car rolled to a stop in front of a grey-bricked house, with flowers that burst from every corner of the steps. The doors, window frames, and garage doors were painted a slick, clean white. My eyes swept the perimeter, and I noticed that the lawn was cut evenly, possibly perfect.

"Maybe we have the wrong address..." I said, my voice quivering slightly.

He shook his head, quite perplexed himself. "Nope. This is it." And as if he didn't believe himself, he checked his phone and nodded to himself once he realized he was correct.

He gripped the steering wheel, and turning into the driveway. Once we arrived near the garage doors, I took a deep breath. I was quite. "I don't think I can do this." And looked down, clenching and unclenching my hands.

I suddenly felt his hand wrap around my tensed fists, and I instantly relaxed.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

I thought about this. Did I? He would definitely make it easier, but how could I answer questions about us? "No thanks. Just, come back in like an hour or so."

He nodded, and before I could rethink my decision, I quickly swooped in and kissed him on the cheek. Nathaniel looked surprised, and I got out of the car without looking at him. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, shielding my face from his vision.

I heard the car drive out of the driveway, and soon I was staring after him. I bounded up the steps, and took a deep breath. The air smelt of flowers, and fresh air. The aroma was so sweet, I almost stopped.

I rang the doorbell, running a hand through my hair and trying to untangle the knots that I had recently encountered. Moments later, no one answered the door, and I was starting to believe she was not home.

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