32. Vern (and Billy) 1k Special Imagine

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A/N: So your date/boyfriend will be addressed as C/N (crush name) and so it can be whoever you want it to be sooooooo let's go.
Y/F/C - Your Favourite Colour.

You had just finished your hot shower and you were standing in-front of your wardrobe in a bra and some underwear and picked out your one and only dress that hung alone among band t-shirts and ripped jeans and denim shorts.

You had been out dress shopping with your mother a few weeks ago to prepare for the dance and you spent around two hours looking around the dress store looking for something and then you found a Y/F/C dress which just looked perfect.

You put the dress on as well as your black boots that surprisingly went well with the dress. You wanted to see what you looked like so you decided to look in the bathroom mirror.

You walked out your room and ran a hand through your hair and walked into the large bathroom. As you opened the door you were not expecting to see what you saw "Out now!" Billy yelled at the top of his voice whilst kicking the door close.

"Get a room Billy!" you yelled as you shuddered at the sight of him getting it on with another girl...in the bathroom. Yuck. Instead of looking in a mirror you decided to get the boys opinion.

You knocked on your twin brother Vern's door and he shouted "Come in!" you wanted everyone's opinion including his friends.

You walked in his room and spun around in your short dress and beamed "Do you like it!" Vern smiled "Wow you look amazing not like you to wear a dress, it looks nice." his friends stood around him with mouths open wide. "Thanks." you grinned whilst walking out, you took the wide mouths of the boys as a good opinion.

Vern looked to his gobsmacked friends and hit them all round the heads "Oi that's my sister!" he shouted. Teddy looked at Vern and then looked at the other two boys and shook his head "Your fucking hot sister."

You giggled as you heard one of his friends call you hot, you were about to walk downstairs when Billy walked out the bathroom with the girl following behind him. "Where are you going dressed like that." Billy glared at your dress instantly turning on his protective older brother mode.

"Remember it's prom." you shook your head and sarcastically said "Duh!" Billy shook his head whilst crossing his arms "Well you're not going."

The doorbell then sounded in the knick of time "Yes I am going you asshole so bye Billy." you then ran downstairs as fast as you possible could and waved at your mother as you passed. You then reached the door and opened it to be awaited by C/N gorgeous face.

"Hey Y/N-." he was about to say something else but you grabbed his hand and smiled "Look we just need to run." He raised an eyebrow "Wha-?" you then heard Billy yell "Y/N get your ass here now." he then realised why and his reflexes began to kick in and you two began to run.

Once you were finally safe distance away you two stopped for a breather "Hey C/N." you hugged him, he hugged you back "Hey Y/N, that was fun wasn't it." you chuckled "Very fun." you both then leaned in to kiss each other and it felt as perfect as it did every time.

The two of you finally caught your breath and decided to walk to the prom together as he didn't have a car. Whilst you were walking you both were in a really interesting conversation until you both got distracted by an ongoing car.

*beep. beep.*

You both turned around to see Billy sitting in the backseat of Ace Merrill's car, "Hey lil' sis, ya can't escape from me." Billy smiled sickly with his baseball bat in his hands that gleamed in the moonlight. "Shit now we run!" C/N panicked and grabbed your hand to run again, "Shit." you muttered and ran with him.

Both of you ran to the school and once you entered the premises you knew you were safe from Billy's now battered baseball bat. Billy yelled as he passed the school "I'll get to ya in a minute!" and then Ace drove off.

You and C/N kissed and then entered the school building hand-in-hand. The first song that was playing was some kind of up-beat pop and so you two decided to wait for a slow song, he went over to his friends whilst you went over to yours.

"Y/N you're so lucky to be dating C/N it's unreal." Y/F/N smiled at you "Uh are you saying I'm not good enough." Chris came up behind her and hugged her from behind she grinned up at him "Of course not Christopher." you laughed at the couple and then realisation hit that a slow song had started to play.

C/N tapped your shoulder "Care for a dance?" you turned around and took his hand "For sure!" he then spun you onto the dance floor and you giggled. "You're so cute Y/N." he smiled whilst placing his forehead on yours whilst dancing.

The two of you swayed and rocked around to the music gazing into one another's eyes and laughing at the odd wrong step. You were so indulged in dancing with C/N that you didn't even notice Billy walking in.

Vern's POV
I saw Billy about to charge for Y/N but I walked over there to do the better thing.

"Billy don't, look at her. She's happy." I said looking at Billy with hopeless eyes. Billy looked at me in disbelief and groaned "Ugh shut up Vern." but he didn't move.

Billy watched Y/N dance with C/N giggling and having fun and he sighed in defeat "She's happy and I should be fine with that." I smiled at what I had done, and the two of us just watched our sister clumsily dance.

Back to your POV
I was dancing with C/N having the time of my life staring into his eyes whilst clumsily missing steps as I went along the way whilst we both laughed them off.

I finally embraced him in a hug as the song finished and I looked to the side to see both my brothers standing there smiling...maybe even Billy had a tear sliding down his face.

I just smiled at the two of them and thought, God my brothers are such dorks.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I thought it was....I guess cute. Ooo did you like the way I made Billy turn into a big softie at the end. I know he probably wouldn't have done that I just wanted to make it happen.

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