First Move

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I make my way outside, the cold air hitting me all of a sudden in comparison to the warm, sweaty room I'd just been in. I make my way over to a brick wall in the garden and prop myself up on it, my feet dangling above the grass. I lit up a cigarette and take a long drag, letting it warm up my insides and blowing it out into the frozen air.

I find myself laughing quietly as I spot George, Adam and Ross pretending to air guitar to the song playing and dancing wildly through the windows of the house among the other bodies.

I'm lost in my train of thought when I'm startled by a cough and nearly fall off the wall. I'm quickly caught and pushed back up gently, a leather jacket is draped over my shoulders and I instantly know who it's owner is. He sits next to me on the wall and lights his own cigarette, silence falling between us.

He spots the scene playing in front of us of the boys that I'd previously been watching. "They're such dorks." he says breaking the silence, inhaling another drag of his cigarette, cheekbones prominent.

"They're our dorks though." I tell him, in a loving way. I'd grown to care a ridiculous amount for them in the 2 1/2 years we'd been friends and I knew they felt the same.

"Y'know it's weird because I don't think I could live in a world without them now, y'know? It's like it's the 5 of us or nothing, I love them. They're our family." Matty snorts, a rare breaking of character. He usually wasn't so vocal about his feelings for the boys.

I nudge his shoulder with mine, deciding to tease him. "There's my soft Marty, I was wondering when he'd make another appearance."

He chuckled, "Soft Marty is always available and in service for you, Muse." I smile at him shyly. "What happened with Ross in the closet? Did you two kiss?" I sigh, I knew this was coming. I toss my now finished smoke into the grass before answering.

"No, we didn't kiss. We're too much like siblings and it'd be weird. Plus he knew it would be my first kiss, even though he cares for me it doesn't feel right with him." I tell him truthfully, also covering for Ross.

Matty looks down at his shoes, before taking a deep breath. "Bea, you know you'll always be my number one right? I know I can be a prick and get carried away with the lads and I also know I mess around with too many girls but you'll always be top priority." he speaks out, taking my hand in his and rubbing circles into my palm.

"We've been friends for sixteen years, I don't doubt you care about me. You're just being a teenager, I don't begrudge that. Just because we don't spend every waking second together anymore doesn't mean we care any less. Got to live our owns lives, M." I tell him, sincerity in my voice.

He stares out at the house again for a minute, I could almost see the cogs turning in his brain before he hopped down off the wall and reached for me. "Let's dance." he says as I let him lift me off the wall and back down to the ground.

He sways us back and too, our feet silently moving in time with each other in a haphazardly fashion. He looks into my eyes before saying "I'm selfish Muse, but this feels right and I can't be the only one who feels it. I want your first kiss to be with someone who loves you and cares about you and not some dickhead who just wants to fuck you around."

I look at him confused, my brain taking a minute to process what he'd just said. I could hear him murmur something to himself before saying "Fuck it."

Before I knew it his lips were on mine.

It took me a second to respond and for my sub conscience to calm my brain down, Ok Bea, it's just Matty. Don't hyperventilate, It's your Matty, you know him. After I'd calmed myself down internally I let myself enjoy the kiss.

His hands made their way to my face and he pulled me into him more causing me to stumble from the sudden movement and fall on top of him as we landed on the grass. I feel pressure in my nose as blood starts to drip.

Matty sits up and takes off his t-shirt and tilts my head back, holding the cotton to my nose.

"Shit, sorry!" I groan, sometimes I got nosebleeds when I was overwhelmed. I went to move but he just held me in place, running his hands through my hair and smiling at me.

"You look so cool."

I let out a shaky breathe as I looked into his eyes, studying the way they darted across my face.

He pulled my face closer again and bit his lip, before connecting our mouths together again.

What the two best friends didn't know was that Hann had noticed the two of them stumble to the grass. He turned to Ross and George and tapped their shoulders before pointing in the direction of Matty and Bea outside who had just started kissing again.

George squinted his eyes, even more so than usual to focus as he was drunk. His eyes widened in realisation as he saw them "Holy fuck, holy fuck." he exclaimed in excitement. Hann laughed at George's enthusiasm who had now started drunkenly cheering them on. "About time." Ross pitched in, watching two of his best friends finally give into their obvious feelings.

Matty uses the nickname "Muse" for Bea. It's pretty self explanatory but I explain it later in the book. just wanted to clarify x

Fallingforyou // Matty Healy Where stories live. Discover now