Starry Night...

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Romeo had left after dinner saying he will see me at work, I think he was upset but I'm clueless as to why, did I say something wrong?

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of wine from the rack and I grab a wine glass, heading out the patio doors I place the bottle on a small table and lay back in a lounge chair.

Looking up into the sky I see the  stars sparkling and twinkling. I fill my glass with some wine and I just lay back and slowly I relax, all this stress from trying to get a job and trying to figure what happened with Ian and Anne, its just all wearing on me.

I hear my phone ringing in the house but I'm so relaxed and comfy that I decide not to answer it. 


I awake in the morning to smell fresh baked bread and I could feel myself walking down the hall and into the kitchen all with drool coming out of my mouth. 

Angiola was baking some fresh bread and was brewing some coffee that smelt so good, Angiola noticed me in the kitchen and she insisted I sit, as I watch her make breakfast I can't help but wonder where her family is, wouldn't they miss her for being gone for so long.

My mouth speaks before my brain thinks it through I ask " Angiola where is your family don't they miss you for being gone for so long." I noticed she went stiff and stopped cutting the bread,

Angiola says sadly " My husband died 7 years ago and as for my children well they moved to america, I have not seen them in 5 years, they used to write all the time but sadly they have stopped over the years ", after that Angiola handed me my plate and left the room, a single tear evident on her face. 

After my talk with Angiola I called my brother Wyatt, we haven't talked in over 2 years, by the result of him not approving of Ian and now I understand why. 

"Hello....."  He picks up after the third ring .

"Hey bubby long time no talk" I smile from hearing his voice.

 "What do you want Izzy ?" I grimace at his tone. 

"I left him.... you were right bub" I frown. 

"I'm sorry......" I tell him 

"I'm just glad you got away from that f*cker you deserve better sis" I smile 

"So bub guess where I am right now" 


"Micheal told you didn't he" I pout 

"I've always kept tabs on you sis, after Ian pulled his sh*t I made Micheal tell me everything" 

"So why didn't you call sooner??" 

"I've been busy and Amelia hasn't been feeling the greatest" 

"How is she doing..." I ask him, worried for my niece 

"Doctor says she has the flu" 

"Aww I'm sorry to hear, tell her aunty Izzy wishes her well" 

" Hey call me tomorrow its getting late here and Amelia is gonna be back from her mom's soon" 

"Okay bub I'm just happy to here your voice after so long... goodbye, love you." 

"Goodbye and love you too." he hangs up

I frown at all the time I have wasted not talking to my brother to realize that I was hurting him and Amelia.

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