Part 5: 60-Endgame

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Okay y'all. We are in the Endgame now so spoilers. Obviously, I can't exactly do Endgame word for word since it's still in theaters so bear with me.



I was attempting to feed Benjamin when everything started to shake. Like shake-shake. I stood up, holding Benjamin close to my chest. Steve came out of the bathroom, his whole beard situation completely gone. Part of me wants to yell at him, but I simply just throw his discarded shirt at him. I wrap Ben's blanket around him tighter, standing up. The shaking and the loud noise scared my son, making him start to cry. I try to soothe my son.

"I'm not staying here, so don't even tell me to." I tell Steve over my shoulder before walking out of our room, not bothering to put my shoes on. Pepper, Tasha, Bruce, Rocket, and Rhodey are already running outside, but since jostling a baby like that isn't ideal, so I just simply fly after my team and soon my husband as he catches up. I'm holding my son to my chest, watching a brightly lit individual lowers down a ship. My heart is beating loudly in my chest as I land beside my husband. His hand finds mine quickly. The lit individual lowers the ship down and the brightness goes away. A blonde woman just looks at us, dressed in a blue suit.

"If this even looks like it's going to go south, I want you two to go inside, understand." Steve says softly to me and I simply nod. I'm not going to bother arguing with him. Suddenly, a set of stairs is lowered from the ship. Benjamin starts crying and so do I when I see who comes down the steps with help from a blue woman. I move forward, holding my son close.

"Tones?" I speak out as my husband helps my brother down the steps. He looks so gaunt, so skinny, so weak. Tears roll down my face as I walk forward. It's the first time I'm seeing him in over three years so everyone steps aside for me.  My brother looks at me, eyes filling with tears and I throw an arm around him, carefully hugging him.

"You're never allowed to leave me again, okay?" Tony tells me and I nod, both of us crying. My brother looks down and sees his nephew for the very first time and he sob-laughs, "Baby Stark-Rogers, huh?"

"His name is Benjamin Howard Stark-Rogers." I tell him, stepping aside so Pepper can hug Tony. I bounce Benjamin carefully in my arms, kissing his forehead.

"I lost the kid." Tony tells us suddenly and I still. Steve puts his hand in the middle of my back. I knew that Peter Parker was most likely gone, but it still hurts to know that the teenager was gone. Especially since I know how close my brother and the kid had gotten.

"We lost almost everyone, Tony. We lost." I tell him and my brother looks from me to Steve. You can practically feel the tension between them, the anger radiating of off my brother. Luckily, Pepper walks up and embraces my brother. Steve rests his hand of the middle of my


"It's been twenty three days since Thanos came to Earth." Rhodey says as the faces of the missing, or vanished appear before all of us via holograms. I'm sitting beside my brother, feeding Benjamin.

"World governments are pieces. Peyton's been meeting with the UN, but that only does so much. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did-he did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures." Natasha clarifies. The new girl looks upset. Tony isn't really paying attention, he's just sort of rambling.

"Tony, I'm going to need you to focus." Steve tries to calm my brother down. I hold my breathe, looking from my husband to my brother.

"We needed you, as in past tense. Needed you too, sis. That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. I said, "We'd lose." And you said, "We'll do that together too.".  Guess what, Cap? We lost. You weren't there." Tony says as he stands up. Both Rhodey and I stand, ready to break up this fight. He's ripped out IVs? Oh Anthony...

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