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"Why did you shut me out?"

Immediately you opened your eyes, you felt horribly tired and weak, the first thing you saw was you lying on the floor.

You slowly supported yourself and managed to get up, when you were fully awake, you looked around, trying to figure out where are you.

Weird thing is, you were in the middle of nowhere, the ground was black, the sky was white, there weren't any people or towns or.. just nothing.

"Answer me, Hanao, why?"

That voice... it sounded so familiar, but you couldn't remember where or why it sounded familiar, you started to walk forward and explore the rest of the place.


The voice screamed fiercely, immediately you turned behind and saw a woman who looks exactly like you, but hust with red hair and red luminous eyes. Then you decided to speak.

"H-hello? W-why do you look like--"


You quickly stepped back, this person knows she looks like you, you were confused, where are you? Who is that person? What the heck is happening?

"C'mon Hanao, you know who I am, think harder," the woman crossed her hands and tilted her head as if she was annoyed. You were confused, you know her? What the hell happen when she took over your--

"Wait, you were the one who took control of my body!" you exclaimed, your memory was starting to jog, the lady smirked at you and placed her hands on her hip.

"You hurted Revali! You were the one who made me do all those things that I would never do! Why did you do that?!" you shouted ferociously, this was the person who made your life miserable she was the one who-

"Tsk, that pathetic Rito thinks that he so heroic until he hurted you, and you expect me to do nothing?" she started to move closer to you, while she did that, you kept on moving backwards, you felt the anger boiling and was about to explode.

"So you were the one who kept me in that stupid Hylia knows what prison! That's because you hurt him, I didn't deserve that! You deserve more punishment that ever!" you yelled out all your anger at her, she didn't give any expression, she was just staring at you the whole time.

"You are really stupid you know that? You know what? I don't need you anymore, you're nothing but a piece of trash, you don't understand what's going on with me, you never appreciate what I did for you, don't you?" she looked furious and frustrated, you didn't care anymore, she is nothing but a killer who would do anything for killing.

"I don't need you neither! Go without me! I never needed your help all along, I think you are the one who doesn't understand what I've been through Malice!" immediately you covered your mouth, how did you know her name?!

She was stunned, she didn't know what to say, but you know what? You didn't care anymore, she hurt Revali and she's gonna repay for what she's done.

"Go back to your world, I don't want to see you," with that you suddenly felt pale and heavy and dropped down to the floor, your eyes closed tightly.

"Hanao? Wake up!" you heard a familiar voice, you reopened your eyes, blurred until it slowly changed into a clear vision.

"Thank Hylia she's ok!" wait.. that sounds like Zelda..

You saw Zelda right infont of you, she seemed to be relieved, you turned your head to your right side and saw Mipha holding up her hands and a glow seemed to came out from it. You saw Urbosa and Daruk sitting on a chair looking at you.

"What happened?!" you immediately remembered that you're now back to the real world, you jumped in shocked and tried to sat up.

"It's ok Hanao! You have to lay down and rest," Mipha said softly and helped you lay back down.

You smiled and nodded and her, then she smiled back, Zelda looked really glad and held your hand softly.

"It's a long story Hanao, now you just need to rest well," Zelda looked into your eyes and smiled at you.

You continued to observe what room you were in, it wasn't prison room, it looked like a different room, you gazed out at the window and saw a balcony, then you realised, it was your room in the castle. You noticed something one missing.. perhaps someone, wait Link and Revali were not here!

"Where's Link?! What have I done?!" you exclaimed, you were terrified what Malice might have done to him, everyone didn't reply, instead they started to look downwards.

"Don't tell me it's ok, because clearly the look on all of your faces isn't ok," you crossed your hands, waiting for one of them to reply. Zelda looked more upset than the rest of them, then she started to tilt up her head.

"Hanao.. when Malice took over, Link got hurt badly, he was shot in the stomach by the fire.." Zelda mumbled softly and her face turned into a sympathetic look.

"Where is he now?!" you exclaimed, you wanted to know more.

"Link is in the hospital wing, he still haven't woke up yet," Zelda mumbled more softer this time.

"I used my powers to treat him, he should be up sooner than before," Mipha smiled softly at you, you were shocked, how can Malice hurt him? Link was your best friend! She really is unforgivable!

Then you noticed Urbosa was hiding her arm, you observed more closely at it and saw bandages around her arm.

"D-did I do that too?" you said softly and looked into Urbosa's eyes, she suddenly looked up at you.

"Hanao listen I-"

"Did I do that or not?" you cut off Urbosa's sentence and started to tremble in fear.

"I-i suppose so.." Urbosa tilted her head down and mumbled softly. You were afraid, sadness was filled inside of you, you felt tear rising up, threatened to fall, you tried to hold them until a tear escaped and rolled down your cheeks.

"Hanao! It's ok I'm fine-"

"NO IT'S NOT! IT'S NOT FINE!" you shouted and snapped Urbosa's empathy.

"Hanao.... please don't be so hard on yourself!" Mipha exclaimed and begged you to stay calm and not worry about it too much.

"How could I stay calm?! I hurted so much people! I-i.." you felt more tears started to roll down your cheeks, you covered your face, preventing anyone from seeing it.

"Hanao..." Zelda started to speak in a sad tone.

"Where's Revali? Is he mad? W-wait, please tell me I didn't hurt him too!" you panicked, emotions were taking over your body, you couldn't stand everyone looking at you in this state, you didn't want them to have the same burden you have.

"Guys, j-just give me some space, please," you trembled as you spoke, everyone felt sad for you, then slowly they went out of the room.

Why did this have to happen to you? It's not fair, you hurt so much people! You sniffed and gazed up to see a night filled of stars and the sky sparkled across the town, you hug your legs against you and decided to take action of your responsiblity of hurting people. That is-

To leave the castle and not be a champion anymore.

Woahhhh this story sure is a little emotional, I hope you enjoy reading it! Comment on how you feel about it and remember to stay tune for the next chapter!!


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