Spermicides Can Cause Itching and Burning

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Itching and burning do not always indicate a sexually transmitted disease. Spermicides can something provoke such symptoms as well. They contain potent agents that destroy sperm, but they can also irritate the tender mucous membranes of the genitals of both partners (especially when used several times a day). If there is irritation, itching or burning, do not remove the contraceptive from your vagina immediately after having sex, especially if you have not taken additional protective measures. To prevent pregnancy, spermicides should remain inside the vagina for 6-8 hours after sexual intercourse.
If the symptoms do not disappear, it may mean that you are allergic to the active agents of the contraceptive, and this birth control method does not suit you.
Try spermicides with other active agents. If itching and burning become worse, seek medical advice.

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