Chapter 3 Arrival

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Hermione POV

Today is the day that we head to the hotel for the reunion.

"Is everyone packed and ready" I yell up the stairs.

I here a chorus of yesses as my three eldest children drag there suitcases and rucksacks down the staircase.

"Ok then let's get going" I exclaim getting into the black Lamborghini with Rose, Hugo And river while Scorpeious and Lyra go in the green Lamborghini with Draco and we head to wards our private jet.


Jenni POV

I'm sitting in the stupid plane waiting to see if I can get into first class when my sister starts complaining about some snotty kid kicking her seat.

"OWW you little brat stop that or I will have my daddy stop you from ever flying ever again" Penni screeched.

"Yeah wike youw dwaddy couwd do thwat  you can't even affowd fiwst cwass tickets how is he gonna get me bawned".

"You smart mouthed little git just leave me alone" she slumped back into her seat.

"Hey if u think this is bad I bet beaver has to take a stinky fishing boat and a pissy bus to get there". I say and she instantly starts laughing with me and me, her and Nikki made fun of that know it all slut the entire ride there.

Hermione POV

When we all got on the jet we all decided to get some sleep for the long day ahead.

When we all got on the jet we all decided to get some sleep for the long day ahead

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^inside the jet^

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^inside the jet^

After we arrived we had our cars removed from the jet we started to head to the hotel.

Jenni POV

When we got to the hotel everyone was there except bucktooth beaver brain so I go up to aunt Jean and ask where she is.

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