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Seokjin politely declined the drunk man's offer, unfortunately the man wouldn't take no for an answer. He ended up getting dragged into the crowded dance floor where thousands of human beings were dancing. The smell of flesh invaded Seokjin's nose.

"Move your body, handsome!!" Joowon was cheering, grabbing Seokjin by the waist.

"Let go of me!" The vampire became aggressive towards him and pushed him so hard, he fell over a couch.

Seokjin knew what he did was wrong, but before regret could enter his mind, adrenaline took him over. The man he pushed was bleeding slightly. The scent of his blood was filling up in the vampire's lungs.

He stormed out of the club immediately, feeling his vision get blurry.

"He's crazy!" Namjoon overheard people talking about a man who had gotten aggressive with someone in the club while he was drying his hands. He got out of the restroom and looked at the crowd of people swarming around Joowon.

"What happened?" He asked. Joowon groaned in response.

"Seokjin." The way he replied worried Namjoon.

"What happened to him? Where is he!" Joowon wouldn't reply, still shocked about what had just occurred, so Namjoon ran out of the club and found Seokjin in a dark alley with something in his mouth.

"Seokjin! Thank God I found you, what did Joowon do to you! Seokjin?" He touched the heated man's shoulder as the other dropped the thing he had in his mouth, growling.

Seokjin was eating a live animal. Blood was dripping out of his mouth. As soon as he came down from his temptation and realized what was in his mouth, the man began
throwing up.

Namjoon himself was gagging at the sight of the dead animal, but he had to attend to Seokjin before asking him anything.

"I can only consume food for less than two days, or else I become very weak and my body
can reject it as food is a poison to me. I'm terribly sorry." Seokjin's body tipped over.

"Why didn't you tell me this before? Well... It doesn't matter. I'm glad I know now. Hold onto me, I'll help you get to the car."

The thought of seeing Joowon made Seokjin feel guilty.

"What about your brother?"

"He's not coming along with us. I won't let him near you ever again, I promise." The doctor unlocked his car, opening the door for Seokjin.

"It wasn't his fault. It was mine. I was tempted by so many human beings in the club. I must go back to apologize." Seokjin turned around and got inside of the club. Everyone immediately left the club, or hid behind the bar.

"Sir, I deeply regret the amount of pain I caused you." He helped Joowon get up. Joowon wiped the blood off of his lips.

"It's okay." He was now sobered up, and thought that everything was mainly his own fault.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you, my dear. I shouldn't have treated you that
way. Where are my manners? Please forgive me." Seokjin forgave the man, only because he pitied him.

"Hey poser, let's get you out of here." Namjoon joked, wrapping his arm around Joowon and Seokjin's shoulders.

"What did you call me? And why are you separating me from this cutie?"

"Watch your mouth when referring to Seokjin." Namjoon warned.

"Why? Is it going somewhere? Pfft, I doubt that a mouth can just disappear!" He laughs.

«Dr. Kim, Don't Fear Me»  [K.n.j & K.s.j] Where stories live. Discover now