The Bait

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Ivar's Camp

"Well done brothers, our mother will be proud of us" Ubbe says and raises his glass to salute his brother's

SKOL! The three brothers say in unison and take a sip from their glasses

They are sitting in the French war room and look around the room curiously, as they place themselves on the long table with a map that is placed on the center of the war room.

"Enough with the victory celebrations" Ivar says while raising his eyebrow "They will come for us, our army is not strong enough to face all the catholic nations" he points to to England, Spain and Russia and looks at Ubbe

"What if we eliminate them one by one" Ubbe says 

"That is impossible!" Hvitserk says and his eyes widen "We have 1/3 of the army here, rest of them are in Kattegat, there is no way we can fight the most powerful nation with less than half of our armies" he looks at Ubbe

Ivar is mute, and in deep thought

"Then we must loot France and return to Kattegat" Ubbe says, "We can't fight with such few warriors"

(Kattegat is the place where 3 brothers are from and which is ruled by two queens, Lagertha and Aslaug. Aslaug is the mother of Ivar, Ubbe and Hvitserk whereas Lagertha was the ex wife of Ivar's father Ragnar)

"No" Ivar finally breaks his silence, "We will not return to Kattegat" Ivar raises his eyes and look at two brother

"Ivar but we can't...." Ubbe says and Ivar gestures him to be quite 

"We are the vikings, the most elite warriors of this world, we didn't come this far to retrench" he says and stands up

"We will kill them all, one by one" Ivar smirks

"But we don't have a strategy" Hvitserk says to Ivar

"Then we will make one" Ivar replies


Nova's POV

My stomach groans from hunger as I sit on the floor on the side of my bed and I look at the piece of cake on the floor but then I distract my mind and look at the moon instead. 

"No idea, No idea at all that one day this would happen" I say to myself and close my teary eyes

I feel thirsty too, after-all I have cried so much.

 I hope Christ is looking over my family and I. This day has been worse than my nightmare and it feels like it is never ending, I lay down on the floor and the cake piece is directly in front of my eyes, it reminds me of all happy days before it was baked. I can smell it and it smells wonderful. My stomach groans again.

I reach out and dig my index finger in the icing and lick it from my finger as I lay on the cold floor, it tastes so good. It's the first thing I have tasted beside blood.

I take a lick more and more but then I stop myself. What is a Princess like me doing by licking frosting off from floor? I spit it out in disgust.

"I need water" I mutter to myself,

"TORVI? TORVI?" I scream but she is nowhere, I decide that I will get some water on my own from the dining room, I gather strength to get up and I pull the door of my chamber but I cannot open it, I try again but it doesn't open then I try again and again but with no success

Those heathens have locked me inside my chamber!!!!!


"And what is your strategy" Ubbe asks Ivar in a mocking manner

"Hmmmm, we bait the princess" Ivar smirks

"The Princess??" Hvitserk asks in disbelief and leans in closer to listen to what Ivar has to say

"The Princess??" Hvitserk asks in disbelief and leans in closer to listen to what Ivar has to say

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"We keep the siege of the French palace a secret, so that the catholics don't smell blood. Through my various sources, there are 4 most powerful catholic leaders who have sons who want to marry the princess, we bait them into thinking that Nova is organising a feast to search for suitable suitors and then we eliminate them and later their families" Ivar smirks 

Ubbe scoffs and says,"How will this help our plans to take over Europe?" 

"Well my not so smart brother Ubbe, as you know this part of Europe is full of Catholic hardliners, we have to eliminate the powerful catholics one by one like goats for a feast, if we eliminate these catholic hardliner's from North, East, West and South. Taking France becomes easier for us as their personal armies will pledge allegiance to ours when forced - brutally." Ivar smiles and points to France on the map "Then this is ours to keep".

"Brilliant Idea" Hvitserk says and smile, " But for now we have to keep quite"

"Yes, we have to closely monitor who enters and leaves the castle" Ubbe says and looks at Hvitserk "I'll make sure that only some french guards are approved for movement in and out the castle, we shall keep their children hostages to ensure they keep their mouth shut" Ubbe's eyes widens

"Kill their children and burn their families if you have to" Ivar tilts his head and says, "But not a word should go out about our presence in the French castle or the condition of royal family"

"And what about the princess? Will she agree to do this?" Hvitserk asks 

"She has to, or else she never will be able to see her family again, at-least not alive" Ivar scoffs

"So we use her as a bait?" Ubbe questions with depth in his eyes

"Yes, we use her to make it look like all is going well. We use her again to bait the catholic hardliners in giving them their heads. They won't hesitate to come and marry their sons to her, of that I am sure" Ivar walks around the room

"I don't understand why you kept that princess safe?" Hvitserk asks 

"Her name is Nova, and you don't question me what I do" Ivar's eyes gets angry and Hvitserk senses his anger and shuts his mouth

"Then that's the plan?" Ubbe asks

"Yes" Ivar smirks

"Then let's get to it, We pray the Allfather helps us and guide us in our endeavours" 

All three brothers look up and close their eyes in prayers.

(Guys I would love it if you vote this story and share it with your friends! It would mean alot!!! SKOL!!)

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