Book 1 ~ Chapter 10

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I woke up with a start, breathing heavily. The last thing I remember was falling off the ladder. I looked around, and I saw that I was on my bed, in my room. I slowly got up from my bed, and groaned. These equalists are really skilled, but not as skilled as the ones I've encountered before. Some chi blockers tried to capture me when I was young. That's the first time I encountered a chi blocker. I felt scared that day because I couldn't defend myself, and couldn't defend the people I love. The whole day, I thought about what Amon could do. I couldn't lie, but I felt scared. I decided to look for Korra. I came out of the temple, and it was sundown. I looked around outside and found her with Naga in the courtyard.

"You're awake!" Korra said as she saw me.

"Yeah, but who knew lightning hurts, I almost feel bad for everyone I've encountered," Lei said. Korra smiled.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.

"Tenzin went to town hall to discuss something with the council, Pema is inside with kids, Mako and Bolin are resting as well since they were hit as bad as you," Korra said.

"I hope they're okay," I wondered.

"I'm going to the air doors to practice, wanna come," Korra asked.

"It's my job to go with you, Korra,"

"Yeah, not only that, but you're my friend," Korra smiled. I smiled back.

Korra practiced her stance, for an airbender, you need to be graceful. I got bored of watching her, and turned on the radio. I listened to the music on the radio while watching Korra practice.

"I told Tenzin yesterday when we came home, about Amon, and what he could do," Korra said.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Well, one thing, the city is gonna need us more than ever," Korra said.

Suddenly, the radio music got interrupted.

"Good Evening, fellow equalists," Amon said. I widened my eyes, and looked at Korra.

"This is your leader, Amon, as you know, the republic council has voted me as republic enemy number one. Proving, once again, that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to squash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped, our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear," Amon said.

I immediately turned the radio off, and looked at Korra. She looked scared but I know she won't say it. She wanted to be strong for the people. The rest of the night was filled, for me, were filled with fear.

Fear that I might never have bending again.


The next day came fast. By this time, it was sundown again, and we were gathered in the dining area. I was sitting beside Korra. Once everyone sat down, Tenzin started grace.

"We are grateful for this delicious food, for our happiness, for our compassion, and—" Tenzin got cut off.

"I'm not late, am I?" A man said. I looked up and saw a man in a watertribe suit.

"This is my home, Tarlock, we're about to eat dinner," Tenzin said.

Tarlock? Isn't he a part of the republic council?

"Good because I am absolutely famished," Tarlock said, while Tenzin glared at him.

"I heard airbenders never turn down a hungry guest, am I right?" Tarlock said.

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