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"RoPo... p-please.. don't do... this," said Angel as I pressed on her neck even harder.

"And what can you do? You ran out of magic!"

"... I'm..."

"You're what?"

"... I'm... sorry..."

"What?" I said in an angry tone.

"I... did... I knew... I'm sorry..."

"I said this once and I'll say it again: words can save you."

"I... don't... want... to die... we helped... each other..." I let her neck lose so I could hear better what she was saying.

"Repeat what you said!"

"I knew what I did, I'm sorry, I just want you to know that you're not alone."

"And what makes you think I'm alone?"

"Inside, I know you're suffering."

"Shut up you asshole! I will kill you if you don't!"

"Why didn't you kill me before? You had the chance but you didn't. I know deep down, you can't kill me because you'll regret it." I instantly felt weakened, she had a clear point. If I really wanted to kill her...

No, no!!!

Let me go, you asshole!

You won't escape! I will win no matter what!

I won't, I will be free! I couldn't contain him anymore. I squeezed Angel's neck harder, she struggled hard to let go. If I was going back in my chains, I will give RoPo something to worry about.

"I... I am... always here..." Angel was unconscious a few seconds later, I was also losing conscious.

Good luck...

Ashlyn's POV:
I just witnessed a strange way that RoPo was brought back. It came with many consequences, Angel was unconscious, Alex too, and RoPo just stood there. He lowered Angel to the ground and laid her there slowly. I then heard screaming, they were screams of pain. I knew because I heard it before, memories... bad memories rushed into RoPo's head. I knew because he was hyperventilating. He fell to the ground, his hoodie fell of his head and he laid there. I was the only one who remain conscious. Despite my strength...

"... I can't carry all of them to the tower alone!" I yelled out.

"I can help you if you'd like..." I knew that voice, that sweet, innocent voice.

"Dawn, you came!"

"I'm not alone, I rescued Jack from a hidden room in the tower."

"Oh, thank goodness you're ok. Umm, where's Cap?"

"That's a long story," said Jack sadly. I thought the worst.

"Can you help us? We need all the help we can get." Dawn and Jack nodded, Dawn came over to me and healed me from my burns. She healed Alex enough for him to walk. Then she flew to Angel and healed her. Jack grabbed RoPo and placed him on his back.

"Why is he so heavy?!"

"I think it's because you're weak," I said to Jack. He looked at me weird, "Just come on. I know we're we can hide out for a while.

Angel's POV:
I woke up with dim lights over my head and I felt a cast on my neck. I don't remember much but I knew that I was nearly chocked to death. I'm always the one in the hospital bed. My vision became clear again, no one was here. I was a bit skeptical but then I heard a door open.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?"

"Dawn? Welp, I'm ok. My neck is killing me though."

"That's normal, but mentally? How are you feeling?" I didn't give an immediate answer, it was a hard choice to make. But, I need to tell the truth, I hate lying anyway.

"I guess I have been acting out of character for the past few weeks now. I assure you Dawn, it wasn't really me. I've..."

"Been corrupted, right? It makes sense, I know that you wouldn't act so maliciously in any mental state you're in."

"I want to apologize to anyone who I harmed, especially RoPo."

"That's so nice of you, but RoPo isn't awake."

"... what?" I don't remember much but I did hear screaming before completely passing out. The last face I saw was from that .EXE bastard.

"Apparently, RoPo had many negative thoughts jumped at him. It caused him to hyperventilate and pass out. It's also a possibility that his .EXE self made it hard for him to retaliate."

"Ok, I kinda want to see him. Is it alright for me to walk?"

"Yeah, just be careful." I slowly got up from the bed and made my way to RoPo's room. Dawn told me it was three doors down. I walked over when I saw a person sitting by the large open window. I knew who it was and walked over to them.

"Hey, you feeling ok?" I asked.

"I just woke up from an intense mental breakdown, I'm just fine."

"Look, I was looking for you because..."

"You want to give me a hard time again. It's too obvious of what you would do."

"When did you..."

"Didn't you say you didn't trust me? I'm pretty sure you did."

"RoPo, listen please? I want to apologize for anything that I'd said to you or done. I just want to get it out there."

"Leave." I was really to speak again when RoPo yelled at me to leave. I couldn't force him to talk to me, so I just left the scene and walked back to my room.

RoPo's POV:
I don't care if I was being an asshole or not, she need to hear from my mouth that I don't want to talk with her. I still remember everything clearly, it was horrible. It was such a horrible feeling. I eventually got up to punch a beanbag or something to loosen up my stress. I walked down a hall and I heard two people talking. Both were female, no doubt about that but it was an interesting conversation.

"It doesn't matter if you want to remain alive or not," said one voice. It sounded like a grown woman speaking.

"I won't make that stupid choice! I'm not interested in your games anyway," said the other. I had an idea who the two might be but to be sure I peeked a bit from behind the wall. No doubt about it, it was Angel and Antivort.

"You will agree to do what I ask you! You have no other choice," said Antivort in anger.

"He isn't stupid! We at least both agree he's arrogant but not an idiot," said Angel in return. I don't know who they were talking about but I thought it was me.

"It will happen either way..."

"Go on, be alert that I will catch you." Antivort then disappeared. It was a shocking sight, but I tried to keep quiet. Angel was heading to an open patio. I headed there as well, there was something I needed to do.

Hatred Virus: A Different EndingWhere stories live. Discover now