No way! No how!

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Seething with anger, and in an unladylike fashion, Nessa marched in the dining area, to tell her mother off, not caring if she made a spectacle of herself. Conversation in the huge room came to a complete halt when Nessa entered the dining area, and silence filled the room as they waited for her outburst.

"Mother, I am not going to marry a man I don't know, and definitely don't love!" She said in an angry voice, with her hands on her hips.

Lidia was stunned at her daughter rude behavior in front of her future husband, and was about to address the matter, but William lifted his body off his seat before she could say anything, and said in a low dangerous tone, "Mind your manners young lady, that is no way to talk to your mother. Apoligize to her right now!"

All eyes were on Nessa, but she didn't care, narrowing her eyes, she looked around the table where her family sat, to see the warrior that they have chosen without her permission to marry. His powerful presence almost knocked her off her feet. He was absolutely one hundred percent gorgeous! She thought, as she looked at his handsome chiseled face, but even so, he was not her Fay. His eyes were not of golden color, and his hair was black! Her heart broke in two, and at that moment she realized that she carried deep feelings for the Fay in her heart. Oh what was she to do, she thought, as the tears glided down her beautiful face.

"Your mother is still waiting for your apology!" William said, still standing by the table, waiting for Nessa to say something.

"I'm sorry mother," she said with a hint of attitude, and sat down in a chair opposite her mother.

William was not pleased with Nessa's apology, and made a mental note to talk to her about it later in privacy, not wanting to create more embarrassing scenes in front of her potential husband to be. This kind of thing could ruin a young ladies reputation.

The Fay stood behind Nessa, and he threw a dangerous glance at the warrior that was to take his woman as his bride, and he wanted to strangle him. I am not going to allow this man to take what belongs to me! He thought angrily. She is mine, and I will not share her with anyone!

Everyone ate in silence after Nessa's outburst, even her brothers who adored her did not say a word to her defense. They were all ashamed of the way she behaved, and they knew that their sisters reputation was in the hands of the warrior now. If he was disgusted by her behavior, all he had to do is get up, and break off the commitment to marry Nessa, and he had good reason to do so if he chose to, and then she would be shamed for life. After that no one would want to marry her. But the warrior kept quiet, he was a true gentleman, and just sat back and observed everyone, without saying a single word.

The Fay narrowed his eyes at the warrior, as jealousy consumed him. He had to think of something fast, before this warrior took her from him! He thought, as fear settled in his heart. If he or anyone thought to take her from him he will end their pathetic life!

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